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The Springwood High School is co-education and government funded school established in the year 1967 and it is situated in the Blue Mountains region of New South Wales, Australia. There are 644 students from year 7 to 12 and only 5 percent is indigenous and ten percent from those apart from English (, 2022).

From the image presented below it can be understood that the result of the student for the year 2016 the score for numeracy is 538 and it is regarded as low for year 7 and hence it is highlighted. For the year 2017 it can be seen that for the year 9 the score for reading is 607 will is quite high and hence highted in blue and the rate of numeracy is still low that is 584 and hence it is highlight in pink. For the year 2018 the score for the year 7 is all the aspect reading, writing, spelling, grammar, numeracy is below and for the year 7 the score for reading is 604 and is high and that of writing is 526 and that of numeracy is 584 which is low. For the year 2019 the score for writing is 478 and that is very low and the other reading, spelling, grammar, numeracy for the year 7 is again low as it ranged from 539, 531, 534. Finally for the year 2021the score for reading, writing, spelling, grammar, numeracy for year 7 is low that is 529, 511, 525, 522 and that of year 9 expect spelling the score for other are below the average marks (, 2022). The NAPLAN participation is 96% for this school and the NAPLAN participation for Australian students is 95%. The average NAPLAN score for the year 2016 and 2017 is quite close to the average marks, for the year 2018, 2019, and 2021 is below than the average marks and that is different for different subjects.

References for Contemporary Teacher Leadership, 2022. My School provides information that helps parents and the community in understanding the performance of schools over time.. [online] My School. Available at: <> [Accessed 4 August 2022]., 2022. My School provides information that helps parents and the community in understanding the performance of schools over time.. [online] My School. Available at: <> [Accessed 4 August 2022].

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