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An eating disorder is taking a large amount of food at once. This means that eating at this time is out of control. Pursing can be defined as the use of a diuretic. This leads to weight and shape control. Fasting is referred to as going on a rigorous diet or not taking anything (Mond & Hay, 2007). This can lead to weight loss and even change the body shape. The eating disorder has a great impact on people's body shape, and it can as while affecting weight. Unusual eating can lead to an increase in body weight and also an increased body shape . On the other hand, fasting can lead to weight vomiting and body shape.

 I think the research is so brief to explain clearly describes the behavior. Hence, more research is needed to explain more details for better understanding  of the is necessary to conduct more research on eating disorder (Leys et al, 2017). It is essential to carry out more research to study the impairment functions, the importance of  maintaing our body shape and weight, and possible ways and methods to maintain our eating behaviors. The research should explain better-eating practices needed so we can maintain good health in terms of weight and shape.

References for Social Research

Leys, C., Kotsou, I., Goemanne, M., & Fossion, P. (2017). The influence of family dynamics on eating disorders and their consequence on resilience: a mediation model. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 45(2), 123-132.
Mond, J. M., & Hay, P. J. (2007). Functional impairment associated with bulimic behaviors in a community sample of men and women. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 40(5), 391-398.


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