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This assignment will tackle Technology, History , And Society.  Technology has both benefited and hurt civilization. Modern technology is used everywhere. Technology has eased access to education, medical, communication, transportation, etc. tools. Overuse has downsides. Technology usually cuts project completion time in half. Many people don't know that technology's fast developments have made life worse in many respects. Families are affected by technology.

To begin with ,the Patriot Act expands government monitoring capabilities. Create a record of your study also It expands the government's ability to probe third-party data on an individual's activities. With an abundance of modern technologies at their disposal, the American people are becoming more cognizant of the lengths their government will go to protect our democracy. Protecting our interests from both external and internal threats is essential to the American way of life, but I believe the government has gone too far and no longer values the civil liberties for which our forebears fought so valiantly. Surveillance often raises both consequentialist and ethical concerns. Thus, state security is justified in protecting the majority and focusing on particular offenders who pose a threat to that majority

An executive order is a presidential decree with power comparable to that of a federal legislation. Several significant turning points in American history .Roos (2020) explains how the 1917 Espionage Act and the 1918 Sedition Act were intended to quiet Americans who opposed Wilson's war effort by distributing anti-war speeches and literature. The government would utilize these laws to punish disloyal people. The government employed wiretapping and postal surveillance to persuade citizens to report anybody they suspected of disloyalty to the United States government. Even though the Sedition Act was repealed in 1920, espionage offenses were tried for decades under other legislation. Due to their efforts, several Americans were jailed and countless more were harassed. This was, in my view, one of the most egregious breaches of human rights, yet it was ultimately beneficial to the security of the country. Despite the positive outcome, I continue to believe this was an overreach by a president who believed his decision to launch a war was permanent.

Under the guise of national security, the Patriot Act is another example of the government executing a program that violates our civil liberties. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, this law was developed in response to the 9/11 attacks (2011). The Patriot Act grants the FBI the authority to issue National Security Letters without court scrutiny, providing them access to the electronic communications  financial activities, and credit records of American citizens. Between 2003 and 2006, the FBI issued 192,499 National Security Letters, resulting in an almost unimaginable number of terrorism-related convictions, according to the ACLU (2011). If the Patriot Act was intended to prevent terrorist acts, the FBI has a success rate of 0.000519 percent. As if this wasn't enough evidence, this government has once again disregarded the rights of its people. The Patriot Act is still in effect today, despite having been extended by Democratic and Republican governments and Congresses. (Ward 2019)
In conclusion , Due in part to technological advancements in the 2000s, the government was able to use a range of surveillance methods, including roving wiretaps, malware, Trojan horse infections, and ordinary search warrants. The public's perception of the honesty of many of our elected leaders has been brought into question as a consequence of recent events. Numerous individuals must be reassured that the government is vigilant for possible dangers. While I would want to believe differently, it is becoming more clear that the best interests of the United States citizens are not a priority.
ACLU. (2011). Surveillance under the Patriot Act. American Civil Liberties Union.
Roos, D. (2020, September 21). The sedition and espionage acts were designed to quash dissent during WWI. HISTORY.
Ward, A. (2019). The USA Patriot Act. Bill of Rights Institute.

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