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5G is the 5th generation mobile network with a higher connectivity speed than previous mobile networks. Virtualized architecture of this advanced mobile network can help address unique identifiers with unique identifiers for establishing new connections. Meaningful information from the computing devices of suspects can be investigated in a reliable manner using 5G. Challenges of gathering digital evidence such as existing protocols, temporary Subscription Permanent Identifier (SUPI), and encryption can be successfully addressed with the deployment of 5G. Cellular network evidence can be gathered in a more efficient manner using 5G; at the same time, it can be said that consistency can be maintained in digital forensic mechanisms with the incorporation of 5G. User localization can be made available with LTE advanced networks using this technology (2). Introduction of 5G can help create a novel framework that can help in investigation procedures that digital forensic experts practice. The framework can help protect the integrity and authenticity of digital evidence, which plays a key role in the investigation. At the same time, a cyber forensic ecosystem can be created in real-time forensic services with the introduction of 5G. Apart from that, it can also be said that the introduction of 5G services can help digital forensic experts conduct data slicing efficiently to maintain the quality of the information in the investigation process (1). The speed of gathering factual evidence can also be improved in digital forensics due to the introduction of 5G. Thus, it can be said that the introduction of 5G can help in improving the analytical capability of a digital forensic team.


Ding F, Zhu G, Alazab M, Li X, Yu K. Deep-learning-empowered digital forensics for edge consumer electronics in 5G HetNets. IEEE consumer electronics magazine. 2020 Dec 28.
Sharevski F. Towards 5G cellular network forensics. EURASIP Journal on Information Security. 2018 Dec;2018(1):1-6.

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