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A Complete Guide To Research Paper Format

Research Paper Format

It goes without saying that a research paper needs a lot of effort and research to make it successful. But as a student, it's essential to publish your research paper to earn famous scholarships and establish your reputation as an expert on the specific subject. You will be introduced to various research paper formats and the ways to format your research paper in this blog. So, let’s dig in.

What is a Research Paper?

A research paper involves analyzing, interpreting, and creating supportive arguments. Students learn to conduct in-depth research and procure data from various credible sources to write a research paper help. And with the data, you have to show your unique perspective on a specific topic. It's not your responsibility to show what others are saying about a topic. Instead, it would be best if you created a fact-based thoughtful interpretation of a topic. However, you must be well aware of the proper outline and the research paper format before you start composing your research paper.

How Long Should a Research Paper Be?

Depending on the topic or task, a research paper may be any length. Typically, research papers are 4,000–6,000 words long. However, it's not uncommon to encounter shorter articles of around 2,000 words or longer papers of over 10,000 words.

The suggested length for a paper you are essay writing for school should be specified in the assignment. Otherwise, let the length be determined by your topic: Extensive research or complicated subjects will call for greater explanation.

How to Make an Outline for a Research Paper?

A research paper is a huge responsibility, and you need to include a lot of essential information in it. Although the length of a research paper depends on the topic, often, we see research papers more than 10,000 words long. So, you can understand how hectic the job will be. Now, to refrain from forgetting to add important information to the research paper, you must create an outline first.

It does not matter what kind of research you are conducting, but when you are writing a research paper, an outline works like magic. It not only helps to assemble your ideas but also works as a readymade template for your paper. You can think of it as the skeleton of your final paper.

No matter if you are writing a general essay rewriter or a scientific paper, your outline will follow a similar format. It's interesting to note that a research outline and a research paper template have almost identical structures. You can go through a few examples of research papers online to become more familiar with the format of an outline.

The main elements of an outline are –

  • Introduction
  • Body Part
  • Conclusion

Doesn’t it seem simple to you? However, it's important to keep in mind that each section has a specific function, and how you organize the information in your outline will determine how your paper will read once it's finished.

  • One of the most crucial parts of every outstanding research paper is the introduction, which, oddly enough, is frequently written LAST. This is due to the fact that the introduction's main goal is to capture the reader's attention. To do this, the reader is first given the topic, and the thesis statement is then used to further 'hook' their interest.
  • The essay's body, which is made up of numerous fact-filled paragraphs or subsections, is its meatiest component. It enables you to expand on your thesis statement by presenting evidence to back up your claims. Not only should you expand on your thesis statement in this section, but you should also discuss the research methodology and offer any conclusions you came to as a result of your research.
  • A literature essay review is something else you should think about using. This is accomplished by listing the literary works that you utilized to cite in support of your theories and hypotheses. Your paper's subject and the recommended readings should be related.
  • This usually comes after the methods and literature sections if you used any kind of data validation. In this section, you will highlight your findings and indicate any other variables you identified during your investigation. If you decide to utilize graphs or tables, be sure to explain them to your audience.
  • You will then draft your conclusion. In most cases, the conclusion does not provide any new material; instead, it restates the key ideas raised in the study. The thesis statement must be restated, and any planned further research must be mentioned.

How to Structure a Research Paper?

Before you learn to format a research paper and know its importance, you must understand how to structure it properly.

  • Title

A cover page with a proper title is necessary for your research paper, just like it is for any other paper you write. Additionally, you and any co-writers must provide your names and institutional affiliations.

  • Introduction

The reader is given information about the issue your study is trying to address in the introduction section. Discuss the significance and originality of the study here as well. Clearly articulate the research question in the form of a thesis statement.

  • Background Information

You could clarify old hypotheses or give historical details in the background section to set the scene for your research. It's also a great spot to figure out who your target audience is and what details they'll need to know to comprehend the remainder of your essay structure.

  • Literature Review

The background section's research articles or books are taken and further examined in the literature review portion.

  • Methods

Knowing if your study used qualitative or quantitative approaches is necessary to understand it. You can list every technique you used to gather the data, including tests, questionnaires, and research.

  • Results

What conclusions did your study come to? You should present your findings and information here. Use a dispassionate point of view here; save the evaluation until the conclusion.

  • Conclusion

Explain the significance of your findings in your conclusion. You can evaluate your results and consider your process in this section.

  • Reference Page

Information about where readers may get the sources you used in your work is provided in the reference list. The bottom of your article should have a reference page.

How to Write a Research Paper?

It would be best if you remembered that organization is the key to writing an effective research paper. So, you must adhere to these important steps –

  • Pick your topic wisely.
  • Make sure the sources you use are trustworthy and helpful.
  • Use index cards to make any helpful notes you might need while writing.
  • Organize your notes according to the topic they are under.
  • Create a well-thought-out outline.
  • Create a first draft so that you have the framework for your research report.
  • Rewrite after reading through your initial draught carefully.
  • When necessary, edit.

Understand the Assignment

This may seem obvious to some of you, but you could be surprised how many students begin a research paper not ever reading the assignment criteria.

Therefore, you should evaluate the assignment and attentively read the writing question as your first step. In particular, pay attention to the technical specifications for length, formatting (such as indentations, single or double spacing), and citation style. Take note of the specifics, such as whether an abstract or a cover page is required.

Once you are aware of the project, the subsequent phases in creating a research paper more or less adhere to the standard writing procedure. Because research papers contain extra rules, there are some extra procedures involved, but the substance of the writing process remains the same.

Conduct Thorough Research

The library is simply the ideal spot to search around if you're trying to uncover useful and trustworthy sources of knowledge. Your chosen topic is covered in a wide range of books, articles, journals, and other publications. Select a quiet area in your neighborhood library where you may concentrate on your work without being disturbed. Use the card catalog and computers provided to help you with your research.

Choose the Research Topic Carefully

Take full advantage of the opportunity to select a topic that interests you, or that piques your curiosity if you are given the option to choose the subject of your research paper. This encourages you to conduct the required research for it. The majority of authors choose topics that are overly generic. Therefore, be particular when choosing one.

Take Detailed Notes

Be organized when jotting down your notes, just like in our first tip. Make a note of the facts that can only be helpful to you. Try color-coding your notes by subject, and use highlighters to draw attention to the important information so you can quickly locate that particular subject. If permitted, you may also make a photocopy of a necessary book page or article. If you have a lot to write down on paper, this is the greatest option. You will undoubtedly conserve time. Every time you make a note of something, be sure to include the bibliographical details, including the author, the book's title, the page numbers referenced, the volume, the publisher's name, and important dates.

Brainstorm Your Outline

You should start developing an outline after conducting thorough research. Start thinking about how those specific themes fit in after taking all the necessary notes and gathering the pertinent data. It's not necessary for them to be organized in sentences in order to "brainstorm an outline". Note which section would be the introduction, middle, and conclusion. Your research article will begin to take shape at this point.

Write Your Draft

After creating an outline, you can begin writing the first draught. Take your blueprint, jot down the ideas, and then use them to create sentences and paragraphs. This is when you add extra information and character to the paper so that readers can truly understand it. If you believe you need additional information, you can conduct the necessary research. Because this is simply the first draft, improvements can be made as you go.

Edit Carefully

It's time to compose your final draft after you've looked through your first draught numerous times and made any adjustments you feel are essential. Verify that all pertinent material is included, that your phrases and paragraphs make sense, and that the content flows naturally and steadily throughout. Verify your work for spelling and grammar mistakes. Another thing you should check is the spelling. Because the bibliography page is so important to your research paper, be sure to include all of the sources you used there.

When you're finished, make any necessary final revisions to your final paper. You can go through it as several times as you wish, and you can even have your pal or professor read it and give you their feedback.

Also read - Essay Vs Research Paper

Why is Formatting Important?

Multiple goals can be achieved by following the formatting rules. For academics and scholars who publish articles and research papers for use by other academics in the field, students, and students for submission and school requirements, it reflects a standard of professionalism. It compels readers to take your work seriously. It is crucial that these works adhere to a high standard because they also contribute knowledge to the academic and research communities.

It also shows how much you value and respect the contributions of other people. If you make the effort to properly thank other authors and their work in your references or bibliography sections, this is extremely common. Additionally, if readers are interested in reading more, they can use this to discover it in your work.

While writing a research paper can be time-consuming, it need not be difficult. You can successfully pay attention to the details and produce high-quality work by keeping these formatting standards in mind both while you're writing your paper and afterward.

How to Format a Research Paper?

You have a variety of resources at your disposal for research paper assistance, and based on your area of study, each one brings up a wealth of potential, high-quality subjects from which to draw your subject matter.

Writing a superb paper requires much more than just dumping a tonne of content and references into a word processor and wishing for the best, as you will see by browsing through any decent research paper example.

In order to receive a passing score, your research essay must be correctly formatted in addition to being well-researched and accurately referenced. The advice provided here will assist you in producing a finished product that not only appears but also reads professionally.

APA Research Paper Format

Social science and psychology studies frequently follow the APA (American Psychological Association) research paper format. There is a standard format for citing in this citation, which includes endnotes/footnotes, in-text citations, and reference pages. There are general writing requirements for APA citations in academic writing.

On regular paper (8.5" x 11") with one-inch margins on all sides, papers must be typed and double-spaced. You ought to select a legible typeface that is easy to read. Times New Roman 12 points should be used, according to APA. Every page should have a header at the top. Page numbers should be inserted flush right to form a page header. Then, flush left, and enter your paper's title in capital letters in the header.

The page header, which is a condensed form of your essay's title, is limited to 50 characters, including punctuation and white space.

Seven key elements make up the APA research paper format: a title page, an abstract, an introduction, a method section, a results section, a discussion section, and references.

How to Cite a Research Paper in APA Format?

When citing a research article in APA, certain requirements must be followed. The following formats must be adhered to:

  • Title Page

According to the guidelines for APA research papers, the title needs to be between 10 and 12 words long and should capture the main idea of the essay. Write your name, followed by the name of the college, after the title. Add a running head to the title page, which is a brief title that displays at the very top of pages of previously published papers (flush left) and a number of the page on the exact same line (flush right), by creating a header for the page using the "View Header" feature in MS Word. With punctuation and spacing, the running head shouldn't be more than 50 characters. In addition, you can put a page number using the toolbox, which will automatically number each page.

  • Abstract

The abstract should be one paragraph, double-spaced, and no longer than 120 words. Also, briefly describe the subject in one or two sentences. Include an overview of the procedures, the findings, and the conclusions.

  • Introduction

The hardest part of writing an APA research paper is the introduction. A solid introduction objectively assesses empirical information in the relevant area(s), defining the understanding gap and expressing your goal for the research and why you undertook it. The difficulty here is maintaining the reader's interest throughout your paper.

Reader interest in your article is maintained by a strong introduction. Researchers should present a coherent flow of thoughts that will ultimately lead to the study hypothesis in order to write an appealing introduction. Additionally, avoid describing every single study in-depth in your introduction while including references to them. Include a summary of the article's main conclusions rather than quoting directly from it.

  • Methods

In an APA research paper, the methodology section is uncomplicated. However, it is important to be clear about the protocol and requirements. This section's objective is to provide a thorough description of your research and experiments so that the results may be accurately replicated by other scientists and there are no problems with results reproducibility.

  • Results

You could explain your analysis process and conclusions in this area. If your data analysis is complicated, divide the section into subsections—ideally one for each hypothesis—and elaborate on each subsection using statistical techniques and tables or figures to illustrate the findings. Most crucial, don't discuss how the results were interpreted here. The discussion section will allow you to interpret and elucidate the findings.

  • Discussions

This section interprets and clarifies the findings. The discussion section clarifies the research hypothesis and places the findings in the larger context of the relevant literature. This part is the inverse of the introductory section, in which you start off with the particulars and explain the basic grasp of the issues.

You should briefly summarise your key findings before discussing if your research supports your hypothesis. You might also describe how your results add to or support the body of prior research on the subject. Bring your story full circle by relating your findings to some of the books listed in the opening. If your results contain any intriguing or unexpected findings, you might also mention them. Discuss additional hypotheses that might aid in explaining your unexpected results.

Mention all the extra questions that were raised by your study while outlining its limitations. You could also discuss what areas of the subject require more study and what knowledge gaps remain in the field of current research. Give your audience "the big picture" by mentioning how your findings might be related to more important aspects of human existence.

  • References

Provide a list of the references in alphabetical order. Do not double-space any references, and do not leave additional spaces between them. Each reference's second line should be taken literally.

MLA Research Paper Format

MLA (Modern Language Association) format is widely used in liberal arts and humanities. Let's have a brief discussion about how to create an MLA-style research paper. Rather than a list of particular rules to be followed, this structure offers guiding concepts. MLA-style papers offer a method of documentation.

MLA advises Times New Roman in size 12. Double spacing and one-inch margins should be used throughout the whole document. Tab once to insert a 1-inch indent between paragraphs. On the first page's upper right-hand corner, write your last name and the page number.

Chicago Style Research Paper Format

In the humanities, referencing is frequently done in the Chicago style. In endnotes or footnotes, writers must cite their sources. With this citation, the author has a way to demonstrate their responsibility for and authority over any relevant literature or references they have used in their writing. It is frequently utilized for book bibliographies and assists an academic writer in providing quotations in a research report.

ASA Research Paper Format

The Sociological Association's widely used referencing and quoting style. For writing college coursework in sociology or submitting publications to ASA journals, sociology students and academics typically follow the ASA citation system.

Visit the official website of the American Sociological Association or read the Guide to ASA Citation and Writing Style for more information about the specifics of the ASA style elements.

Wrapping Up,

As a student, academician, or researcher, you must devote all your time and effort to a full-fledged research paper. In addition to the research and writing components, these basic formatting instructions will help you navigate the nuances of the necessary formatting and produce a final product that not only sounds and looks professional but is also prepared by a professional writers.

We hope all these suggestions help you in composing an impeccable research paper.

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FAQs Searches By Student

When will I need to write a research paper in college? arrow

Many college courses employ research papers to assess students' understanding of a specific topic or their general research skills. While research papers vary depending on the subject or lecturer, you should plan to write at least a handful before graduation.

What goes in the study proposal's findings section? arrow

When writing a research proposal, the findings section should include a description of the outcomes you anticipate if your experiment is carried out. If you believe it will be helpful to your reader in understanding the expected pattern, you may offer a figure or table showing the expected results.

What distinguishes a research paper from a research report? arrow

Despite the fact that both of these tasks call for research, they differ in a few key ways. In essence, a research report is written by a student who conducts research and produces facts. In contrast, a research paper is written by a student who conducts an analysis and develops an opinion.

How to write a research paper in MLA format? arrow

The following are the main recommendations for formatting a paper in MLA style:


  • Use a readable typeface, such as Times New Roman 12 point.
  • Set page margins at 1 inch.
  • Double the line spacing.
  • On the first page, use a four-line MLA heading.
  • The title of the essay should be in the center.
  • Every new paragraph needs a 12-inch indent.

How to format a title page for a research paper? arrow

The title page ought to be boldfaced, centered, and indented. Your title should be targeted and brief, without unnecessary words or abbreviations, according to the APA. Up to two lines may be dedicated to your title. The title page and the rest of your paper's material should be double-spaced.

How to format a scientific research paper? arrow

An introduction to the topic, testable hypotheses, a description of the procedures used, key results, and ultimately a discussion that connects these findings to our overall understanding of the subject are the main elements of clear scientific writing.

What should be included in the discussion section of a research paper format? arrow

Where you explore the significance, importance, and applicability of your findings is in the discussion section. It should put the greatest emphasis on explaining and assessing what you discovered, demonstrating how it pertains to the subject of your literature review, paper, or dissertation, and presenting an argument in favor of your ultimate conclusion.

What should be included in the conclusion of a research paper format? arrow

Your thesis should be restated, and the development of the paper's body should be demonstrated in the conclusion. List the main points raised in the body and briefly explain how each one supports your thesis.

What section of the research paper contains the conclusion? arrow

The final sentence or two of a research report constitutes the conclusion. In scientific publications, the Discussion part is typically followed by the conclusion, which summarises the findings' significance and serves to remind the reader of the paper's relevance.

What should be included in the results section of a research paper format? arrow

The results are outlined and presented in the results section to help you relate them to your research question(s). The study's data must be presented objectively, without bias or interpretation, in a logical order. The results may be reported in textual text, tables, graphs, or other graphics.

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