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Essay Writing Stress - How To Overcome It The Right Way

Essay Writing Stress

You might have often heard your seniors saying how tired they are of writing essays! Such thoughts often come when someone has invested too much in their essays, but nothing good has come up. It can be dissatisfaction with the writing or lack of confidence. 

Situations like this are prevalent when you have tight deadlines, tough competitions, and high goals. But how long will you keep worrying? To move forward, you must reduce your essay writing stress

Hitting the backspace after every word you write is what normal people do. That's how you come up with a great idea. But when it leads to writing stressyou must be able to find a way.

Hence, here is a detailed guideline on how you can help yourself deal with essay writing stress like a pro! Scroll down!

What Can Be Described As Essay Anxiety?

Before figuring out how to not stress while writing an essayit's time to start by understanding essay anxiety - 

  • Usually, if you are assigned an essay assignment, your creative fluid might dry. What you will experience instead is nervousness. This turns into a lack of obsession with the topic and procrastination. Symptoms like this cause essay anxiety. 
  • Now, this can happen for several reasons. Most believe they have to go through a dictionary to be strong at language. Again, some feel that they need to go through multiple samples to get that perfection in a topic. All these gradually drop the confidence level.

 But here is what you might not realize. In a rush to reduce your essay writing stressyou never realized you may have done a lot of creative writing.

 For example - You might not even be aware that you might be writing a mini-essay when you write a blog post or one of your most recent social media posts.

 If you post daily on Instagram and Facebook, you are already engaged with concise writing that is easy to read. So, why not take that as an inspiration?

 You see, all you need for writing essays is the required information and your opinion. Once you figure that, issues like writing stress will be a short-term issue.

What Triggers the Anxiety of Writing Essays?

Essay anxiety might be exacerbated by a variety of factors.

Below are some more factors that the anxiety about writing essays stems from -

  • Fears of getting judged by others 

This anxiety is intrinsically connected to the potential of receiving a bad grade. The professor will assess and comment on your work. But the dread of criticism runs much deeper than that. Most students fear being singled out and made fun of in front of others. The deepest parts of your soul are affected by this fear.  

Tip - Try expressing your anxieties in writing and keeping a notebook.  

  • Fear of the unknown 

What if you experience writing blocks? What happens if you run out of topics to write about? Suppose you fail. Your mind constantly wanders what-if scenarios, and you have little control over this.  

Tip - Try listing your worries and when they started developing. This trick can keep your thoughts from taking up all of your mental space.

  • Poor academic performance in the past 

How do you break the cycle if you haven't been able to earn the grades you want in the past? Nobody likes to fail, but despite your best efforts, you just can't seem to grasp the subject.  

Perhaps you continually feel as though you are drowning in work and are unable to keep up with the other students.  

Tip - It is preferable in this situation to divide the assignment into doable pieces. 

You can work through the list gradually and make an effort not to put it off.

  • Teachers' negative expectations 

If you've ever had a teacher who was highly critical, you are aware of how stressful it can be to write a perfect flawless assignment. Thoughts of having your essay rejected and marked with red keep you from communicating with your professor. But remember that your instructor can be strict; it is part of being on the job. But, if you are having difficulty with your assignment, they will surely guide you.

Tip - Try to make an effort to build rapport with your lecturers. This can make your professors more relatable and make you see that they might not be as strict as you think.   

  • Worry of Failure 

In higher education, things can be quite competitive. As a result, your GPA may be affected significantly. The added worries will be how to get a scholarship or fill out an impressive application. In fact, a lot of the applications demand extensive writing in the form of an essay. All of these bring more self-judgment, and students feel they need to work harder. Some even feel that they will fail if they write in a certain way.

Tip - Instead of working on perfection, keep your ideas simple. Write your essays like you are expressing a thought. This will motivate you to write more.

How to Reduce Stress When Writing an Essay?

Till now, what you have learned are the problems that you may or may not have realized yet. Now it's time to fight those problems. 

Hence, here are a few tips for stress-free essay writing - 

A) Habits for a Healthy Writing Process

  1. Put Your Ideas in Writing

Finding a constructive approach to convey your feelings and thoughts is one of the finest strategies to deal with the strain of writing a paper. 

 While organizing your ideas for the entire writing process, this might assist you to lessen and manage stress and worry. 

 Create an outline, jot down ideas, and use your creativity. Do some reading and study to find some engaging papers if you need assistance with the topic arguments. Don't imitate them; only use them as a source of inspiration. 

  1. Have Faith in the Process

It can be intimidating to start writing. It can also be difficult to address important issues, write an interesting introduction, and keep the reader's interest throughout your essay. 

 But you should make sure your response to the question is factual. Try to avoid wasting time on a subject that is either irrelevant or has already been covered. Instead, enjoy the creative process.

 You can apply devices like imagery, quotes, metaphors, etc., in your essay. The end result will surely make you happy.

  1. Prefer Realistic Goals

Setting reasonable goals is a crucial action you can do to make writing your paper easier. So, start your work on time and take breaks to make the process easier. 

 But don't take breaks and put all distractions away if you realize you won't have enough time and the deadline is approaching. 

 This phase is crucial because it allows you to evaluate your objectives and determine whether they are attainable. You will improve your chances of success, and save time and worry. This will undoubtedly keep you engaged and motivated.

  1. Organize Your Writing Area

Cleaning up your workspace and taking care of anything distracting from your writing is unavoidable. You must maintain order in your space and declutter unnecessary objects. 

For starters, avoid using any gadgets or your phone that could extend your break from five minutes to three hours. You can write close to a window for ideal illumination. But make sure there isn't a lot of background noise because it could distract you.

  1. Enjoy a Break

Without any breaks, writing may become tiresome and frustrating. So, set a deadline for finishing your job and plan a few twenty-minute breaks. You'll be able to focus on new ideas. 

You can also relax by doing something or listening to music, but avoid napping because these can become two-hour pauses. 

  1. Grab food that makes you happy

Your mind and body can focus better when you eat well and exercise, naturally improving your academic achievement. 

Sadly, most people have a bad eating schedule or a habit of skipping meals. Things can get worse when you rely mostly on caffeine. 

Even if there is a strong deadline, ensure that you have a packet of cookies in your pocket. Yes! As much breakfast, meals, and dinner are necessary, you also need treats that excite your mind.  

Also read - Remarkable Essay Topics

Hence, ensure you prioritize having all those delicacies that give you a great mood. Once you are done, you will have new energy to process again.

B) Strategies to Bring Back the Writing Urge

  1. Common Peer Exchange

After creating an essay, for instance, share it with a partner or in a small group and ask for criticism.  

Ask three questions, such as: 

  • Does the writer's attention seem to be caught by the work? 
  • What portion of it piques the reader's interest? 
  • How can it be made more attention-grabbing for readers?  

After drafting, you can also read one another's body paragraphs or conclusions and make notes in the margins or on post-its. When you read your peers' work, you will find inspiration that improves your writing. 

  1. Prepare Smart Essay Organizers

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could simply take your topic and picture the format of an official essay? Well, that's rarely the case in reality. 

 Make sure your visual organizer is thorough and particular so you can quickly collect ideas and examples in the precise style needed for the essay. 

 Make sure each field has adequate room for you to type the information in order to avoid irritation. To make the "flow" of the paragraphs easier to see, you might also insert some arrows. 

 Also, keep in mind that you don't need to type whole sentences on the organizer; that will come when you start drafting. Just make sure you have all the data you need on the organizer before moving on to the drafting.

  1. Create Scribble Diagrams for your Paragraphs

Most students find that having a plan helps them focus their writing. So, this can assist you in doing that. They can quickly identify the types of sentences you'll need to write for each paragraph by using a paragraph scribbling diagram. 

 Consider a body paragraph at first. The initial significant detail should be introduced in the sentence after the topic sentence. There should be a second sentence to support or elaborate on that point. That procedure should be repeated in accordance with the specifications, culminating in a conclusion sentence. 

 Here's further how to ensure that the necessary paragraph structure genuinely clicks with you: 

  • Write the topic sentence in a particular color on a large piece of paper that you have drawn on your whiteboard or in an anchor chart. 
  • Then, use an arrow to designate it to one side. 
  • Lastly, fill in the remaining required sentences one at a time, using a different color for each one and labelling it.

 The diagram can be something like this -


a.Create Scribble Diagrams for your Paragraphs


  1. Pomodoro Technique

Use the Pomodoro Technique, created by Frances Cirillo, an excellent hack for writer's block. Though it may appear rather mechanical, the Pomodoro Technique can keep your mind active, prevent study burnout, and help you manage multiple assignments. It can also be a very efficient approach to getting past writer's block. 

 Use the Pomodoro Technique by performing these quick steps:


  • Start working on your writing project and set a timer for 25 minutes. Continue until the alarm goes off. Try to concentrate on one task while working and avoid distractions like your phone, the television, or other homework. 
  • Set your timer for five minutes when the alarm goes off and take a rest. 
  • Set the timer for 25 minutes when your break is done, and start working on your writing task once more. 
  • Set your five-minute timer and take another break when the alarm goes off. 
  • Give yourself a 20-minute timed break after four of these cycles, and then repeat the procedure.  

Final Words,

The feeling of stress is visible when essay assignments become the subject of grading and assessing performance. Do not worry; you can skip that. But you can avoid letting the criticism affect your confidence. 

 You might have a great sense of literature and a good vocabulary as well. But it's also true that your essay may turn out average at times. In all of these processes, what you might unknowingly feel is a lot of pressure to come up with a good piece of essay writing

 Do not worry. As humans, it's obvious too often to feel less confident, but how to keep the pressure low is the challenge.

 And to guide you with that, this blog can help you best. Hence, tick whichever strategies suit you best and start applying them.

FAQs Related to  Essay Writing Stress

Q.1. Why is it difficult to write essays?

Although there are many factors that might cause stress, the primary ones are ignorance of the subject, a lack of time, burnout, and loss of drive. These are the issues that most students face, and while you are a college student, you will undoubtedly run into some of them.

Q.2. How do you manage tension while writing an essay?

These strategies will undoubtedly assist you in effectively reducing stress:

  1. Get adequate rest
  2. A good diet
  • Exercise
  1. Meditation
  2. Enjoy some music
  3. Time management
  • Realistic

Q.3. Which four main types of stress are there?

The four different types of stress include: 

  • Physical Stress
  • Mental Stress
  • Behavioral Stress
  • Emotional Stress

Q.4. Can one's writing suffer from stress?

The situations like long time stress, lack of sleep or ideas, or even putting too much emotion into your writing all contributes to writer's block issue. In either case, this could bring a situation for a writer in result of loss of interest.

Q.5. What is constructive tension?

The kind of tension you experience while you're excited is called "good stress" or "eustress." There is no threat or reason for fear, but your heart rate increases, and your hormones rise. For example, if you ride a roller coaster, play a game etc., you can experience such stress.

Q.6. What advantages does stress have?

Below are the positive outcomes you may have from stress -

  • It enhances cognitive function
  • It may boost Immunity
  • It might increase your resilience
  • It could inspire you to succeed

Q.7. How to write an essay quickly?

These are the ways to write an essay quickly -

  • Focus on reading more
  • Establish a flat outline
  • Stick to a standardized format
  • Fulfil the basic requirements first
  • Write the body of the essay
  • Keep the conclusion and introduction for the end

Q.8. Can I do an essay in a single day?

Yes, you can surely write an essay in a day. Here are ways to do that -

  1. Setting deadlines is crucial while writing a one-day essay. 
  2. Allocate five to ten minutes for brainstorming, fifteen to twenty minutes for outlining, and several hours for writing. 
  3. Additionally, you can allot an hour for reviews and comments and an additional hour for any necessary modifications.

Q.9. What is the format of an essay?

 The introduction, body, and conclusion are the three main sections of an essay. You can compose and organize an essay with the aid of this fundamental essay structure. 

Q.10. What does good writing mean?

A believable argument or thesis that is backed up by compelling subtopics and detailed illustrations is a sign of good writing. There should be zero grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors, and the formatting is straightforward. It should also have a consistent tone and style throughout.

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 Bella Phillips
Bella Phillips

Bella Phillips As a passionate blogger for Essay Help USA by #1 Writing Expert 50% Off.I am currently employed at a leading Business Law firm in White Plains. I am associated with for several years and helping the Law students with their essays.

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