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Make Way For Straight As With Unique Research Paper Topics

Make way for Straight As with 60 unique research paper topics

When you select the right topic for an academic research paper, half your job gets done. However, choosing the right topic can be quite a daunting process. This is the reason why many students are intimidated even before they start preparing the research paper. If you are facing a similar issue, you need to follow a simple process that will help you to select the best topic. Without further ado, let us elucidate the steps to select a scoring topic. To make it easier for you, we have created a list of 60 topics.

3 steps to Select Stellar Research Paper Topics

Step 1. Make optimum use of your brainstorming skills

The objective of a brainstorming process is to present excellent ideas. You must invest some time and start with the preliminary research. You can also try mind mapping as part of the brainstorming process. For example, if you are presenting a paper on effective market planning, you need to brainstorm different factors of the planning process. The illustration given below shows how a marketing plan is developed:

 Step 2. List out the possible topics

From this illustration, it is clear that an effective marketing plan includes objectives, profit potential, promotion, pricing, competition, and customers. Create a list of topics and include the ones that intrigue you. You do not have to select a concrete topic at this stage. Just write as many topics as you can think of. For instance, if you are preparing a research paper on English Literature, you can list out the topics from the works of Chaucer or Shakespeare.

Step 3. Narrow down your list

Use the list you prepared in the earlier stage as a guide, and start ruling out less intriguing ideas. Keep narrowing the list until you have the most intriguing topic at hand. With this simple yet impactful technique, you won't have to wrack your brains to find that remarkable topic for your research paper. Read this post from the website of Michigan State University to acquire a better understanding of the process of selecting a topic.

List of brilliant research topics

You might make mistakes in the process of selecting a hard-hitting topic. However, you need to make sure that your academic research paper receives appreciation from your professors and peers. Leaf through the list of potential research topics and gain valuable insights:

  1. What are the consequences of terrorism on the economy of a nation?
  2. Universities are becoming more business-driven. Pick a stance and elaborate.
  3. Discuss the impact of the imposition of gun control rules on licensed gun holders.
  4. Employment opportunities for Ex-convicts.
  5. Are we losing crucial historical data in the age of information?
  6. What should be the ideal criterion of workplace promotion: degree and qualification, or workplace performance?
  7. What is the importance of Search Engine Optimisation?
  8. Is feminism changing the way women are perceived by society?
  9. The use of coal should be subjected to stricter environmental regulations than other fuels. Discuss with valid arguments.
  10. The government should legalize the use of smartphones in high school. State your opinion.
  11. What is your understanding of reverse discrimination? Elucidate with valid examples and arguments.
  12. Need for a special classroom for differently-abled students.
  13. Discuss your ideas on the practice of corporal punishment in school.
  14. The impact of Artificial Intelligence in education.
  15. Define the cause and impact of eating disorders.
  16. Are people today more conscious of their mental health? Give reasons.
  17. The advantages of vaccination outnumber the risks.
  18. The impact of performance-enhancing drugs on sportspeople.
  19. Investigate the success ratio of holistic and non-medical cancer treatments.
  20. Elaborate on the causes of Alzheimer’s.
  21. Discuss the benefits of alternative medicines.
  22. Is physical degeneracy connected with the process of aging? Elaborate on the topic.
  23. How do cultural parameters help in the recovery from a prolonged illness?
  24. Can social media be treated as a tool for learning? Elucidate your answer with proper examples.
  25. Is non-medical Cancer treatment effective?
  26. What is the difference between anxiety disorder and depression?
  27. Elaborate on the impact of Lead poisoning.
  28. Is social anxiety a real condition? Provide valid reasons along with your answer.
  29. How should school bullies be rehabilitated? Suggest appropriate ways.
  30. Should juvenile offenders be treated the same way as adult criminals? Offer appropriate arguments.
  31. Elaborate on why health or morality advertisements should be banned.
  32. Is internet censorship possible? Offer solid arguments to support your answer.
  33. Are newspapers losing their importance with the advent of new media?
  34. Elaborate on the practice of racial bias in mainstream media.
  35. Should animals be used for entertainment? Elaborate on your stance.
  36. Recommend ways for effective racial integration on school campuses.
  37. Children are smarter today due to the use of the Internet. Provide reasons with your answer.
  38. Should children be trained in school to enhance their leadership skills?
  39.  Elucidate on the effective methods of waste recycling.
  40. What do you understand by social hierarchy? Does it vary from person to person?
  41. Pick one classical literature and elaborate on its representation of women.
  42. What causes low self-esteem in children?
  43. What do you understand by peer pressure? Suggest ways to overcome this condition.
  44. Are children belonging to dysfunctional families more emotionally vulnerable? Give reasons to support your answer.
  45. The impact of cyber-bullying on teenagers.
  46. Can music help in the healing process of an ailing patient? Elaborate on your answer.
  47. The importance of sex education in schools. Is it imparted appropriately? Offer relevant data along with the answer.
  48. Do teenagers feel the pressure to look perfect all the time? Elaborate on your stance.
  49. Is the hashtag phenomenon overshadowing real conversations?
  50. Do video games instigate violent behavior? Provide valid arguments.
  51. What is your opinion on juvenile delinquency?
  52. Are the children of working parents more self-sufficient? Provide relevant data to support your answer.
  53. What causes societal stereotypes?
  54. Use of virtual reality in education.
  55. Discuss the importance of teamwork.
  56. The use of literary conventions within a particular text you have read in class.
  57. How does play therapy help children with mental disorders?
  58. Is it important to preserve culture in an age of globalization?
  59. How to deal with obesity among children?
  60. Should children be more dependent on the Internet instead of textbooks?

In conclusion,

Coming up with a research topic might seem to be a herculean task for you. These insights will ultimately help you impress your professors. Securing the top spot in the class will not be a distant dream anymore.

Unable to select a topic for your research paper? Consult with the experts of

One of the greatest struggles in the process of preparing your research paper is choosing the perfect topic. This process is not only crucial for the credibility of your research paper, but it also determines your overall academic progress. This makes many students grow cold feet when they set out to find a topic of their interest. Gone are the days of academic despair. Visit and select a scoring research paper topic with the help of our academic experts. 

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