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How To Write An A-grade Essay

How to Write an A-Grade Essay

Amidst the academic stress, there is always a good competition that keeps students motivated. The competition gets more intense when the assessment is on writing skills. All eyes are on the right use of literature and how impressive your essay is. That's why, every year, the freshers go on a search mission to find the answers on how to write an A-grade essay!

What if you learn that to score an A, all you need is to follow the structure and write your heart out?

Yes, your essays need quality, but you don't have to prove how intelligent you are. All you need is to go by the format and avoid mistakes.

Now, let's find out what more you need to score an A grade in your essay -

The 3 Elements of an Essay

The secret of an A+ essay is keeping the core value intact. For that, you have to keep the below elements included in your essay -

1. Thesis: 

The thesis is the major assertion that your essay demonstrates. It is your key insight or notion regarding a text or topic. It should, therefore, be truthful but debatable. Additionally, it must be explicitly stated at some time and expressed clearly (rather than simply being assumed) in order to rule the entire essay. 

2. Motive: 

This is the explanation you provide at the beginning of your essay for why someone might need to read an essay on this topic and hear your specific thesis argued. It should explain why your thesis isn't obvious to everyone. Also, it must show why others might hold opposing views on your subject or be perplexed or unclear about it. 

3. Key Terms: 

The key terms in an essay should have a distinct meaning, appear frequently, and be pertinent to the topic at hand. They should also not be abstract or inert clichés.

The Steps of Writing an A-Grade Essay

You will often find instructions that say, 'Write in simple sentences,' 'essay should be easily understandable,' etc. These requirements mean that you must write in a simple tone that can reach an audience of every age.

This means that everyone must understand the context, from someone studying in school to a college. Now, you might ask,how do you write a 6th-grade essay?!

Here's the answer - you need a straightforward context, good transitions, and simple language. For starters, all of these will help you create a good piece of essay.

Now, below are more steps on how to write one -

1. Decide on a subject for your essay

Before you start writing, make a list of the subjects you wish to write about. You can use this opportunity to discover your passions. You can have a brainstorming session to see which topics would be of interest in your list. 

When preparing the list, ensure you keep three preferences. This will help you give an idea on which topic has more scope to write.

2. Effective Researching

You must disseminate useful information about essays in order for people to keep reading them. Even if you are an authority on a certain subject, facts can be stated through research, which is much more beneficial than generalizations.

Now, doing research can start from a week to a month. But for an essay, you do not have to exceed that. Since the word count is 500 to 800, usually keep the area of research narrow.

3. Heading Related to Content

You cannot overlook the significance of an essay's title before continuing. Note that any article's header determines whether or not people will read the entire piece. 

So, keep the headline original, captivating, and relevant to your topic.

4. Keep the Outline Traditional & Organised

Essays are intended to inform in a creative way. Yet, the aim is - how the readers can learn about the topic. Hence, do not overdo the structure. You have to balance each piece of information in each section.

Remember that the outline must comprise the 3 to 5 paragraphs that an essay consists - of an introduction, body paragraphs that convey information or arguments, and a conclusion. 

Here is a detailed look into that -

  • Intro paragraph: 

The opening sentence introduces the core idea of what you're trying to convey about a subject. 

This is the best way to catch your audience's attention. Nobody likes to read a series of data at the beginning itself. That's why keep the introduction short yet welcoming. You can keep the initial sentence as a way to break the ice. This will intrigue the readers more.

  • Body paragraph: 

The body paragraph gives you the opportunity to create and arrange evidence to support your argument. To emphasize your point and educate your audience on new facts, use examples from your research. Later, add a section of contrast or analysis discussions to explain the importance of the topic.

  • Conclusion: 

Your essay's conclusion can include a suggestion for the reader to think about later on or a call to action. To encourage others to read your content and spread it within their network, you want them to concentrate on the value they gained from what they learned. 

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Mistakes to Avoid for a Winning Essay

The above steps are your answer to how to write an A-grade essay. But you cannot completely apply them before you know what mistakes you must prevent. Hence, below are some of those -

  • Repeating the Introduction

The conclusion, which comes after the last paragraph of your essay, is not the place to restate the introduction. Although this section serves as a place of restatement. But copying the same thing degrades the quality of your essay.

  • How to Prevent This?

Add an intriguing summary of what the essay demonstrated or concluded, leaving the reader with some fresh insights that make for an effective essay conclusion. You can also pose queries, go over related ramifications, or finish your article with an engaging, pertinent quote.

  • Too Much Facts & Too Much Information

Even though you were instructed to write thorough, insightful essays, this does not excuse you from using some level of information filtering. Your goal is to introduce the subject to the reader while providing them with adequate but condensed information.

  • How to Prevent This?

Follow the essay's prompt exactly. Before submitting the paper, make sure to analyze the final draft. Erase the facts and information that are not necessary. Add data that immediately connects your argument. 

  • Making an Essay Difficult to Read

Many students equate writing an A-grade essay with a complicated structure. The issue gets doubled with the excess use of jargon, strings of words, long phrases, etc.

  • How to Prevent This?

Avoid using unnecessary words and phrases. Keep your essay's main point in mind and use straightforward constructions and short phrases to include the information you wish to convey.

  • Incorrect Formatting

You see, the content of the essay is not the only thing to worry about. You must also not overlook the formatting nuances. In fact, an essay's quality may be inferred from how well it looks. For example, if you are adding colorful headings but wrong margins, your essay is close to scoring a B grade! 

  • How to Prevent This?

Apply the appropriate style and format as per the instructor. Be mindful of the paper size, the font size, the page numbers, the margins, and the spacing

  • Excessive Typos

You may have heard that typos may be found in any writing and that they are not a sign of a person's grammar or linguistic proficiency. However, failing to proofread your essay before submitting it shows that you were not paying enough attention.

  • How to Prevent This?

Before printing your document, properly review it. Check for grammatical, spelling, and construction errors. Use other tools besides spell checkers.

  • Not Enough Citations

In order to write an academic essay, relevant citations must be used. It demonstrates your skills in conducting research and gives a source citation for your data. Without citations, your work can receive a worse grade and lose credibility.

  • How to Prevent This? 

Make sure to undertake in-depth research for your paper and only use reliable sources.

For accuracy, you can try online citation generators as well.

  • No Transitions between Paragraphs

Often, some essays are too formal or they jump into another paragraph without a hint. If you do the same, it can disrupt the flow of the essays.

  • How to Prevent This?

Use transitions to help the paragraphs flow smoothly and keep your essay logical. 

Use expressions like to put it succinctly, in relation to this, discussing this, despite/in light of the prior arguments/statements, etc.

  • Using Inappropriate or General Titles

The essay's title ought to accurately describe its subject matter. One should be able to infer from the title what the essay will cover. 

  • How to Prevent This?

Avoid using large words in your title or making your title overly lengthy. Make it brief and original. Also, avoid using a title that is too general.

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9 Proofreading Strategies for a Flawless Essay

Here are some guidelines you must follow when you sit for proofreading your essay -

1. Pause for a while

Take a break from the document when you are done with the writing. In fact, give the brain a 24-hour rest before proofreading.

This way, you can come up with a new perspective.

2. Prefer a printed copy of your essay

A physical manuscript makes proofreading for many editors more convenient. The document is simpler to read and can be proofread more thoroughly when it is printed.

3. Read out loud

When you read anything normally, your brain can fill in the blanks and correct mistakes off the page. Also, reading aloud makes sure that all words and punctuation are correct. 

Additionally, it draws attention to problematic sentences because they sound more awkward when spoken aloud than when written.

There are convenient internet tools that can assist with this task. To hear your paper read to you, use the text-to-voice feature on your computer. Having your computer read aloud to you will assist you in spotting errors that you might otherwise miss because you are aware of the sentence's original intent.

4. Delete any extra words

The use of extra adjectives and adverbs might distract readers from the topic. 

So, examine the text for unnecessary words that don't contribute anything to it, being careful not to go too far in the editing direction. 

However, check that you do not cut excess words that carry away the essence of the text.

5. Clarify or eliminate jargons

If at all, avoid using specialized terms or acronyms in business writing. Even if you do, remember that an acronym is often written in full the first time it is used, followed by brackets. Before referencing a new technical word, it should be defined in the text.

Terms that are challenging for the reader should be changed to more understandable language.

6. Verify the sentence structure

A sentence must express a complete notion and include a subject, verb, and both. However, a good work might still have run-on phrases and sentence fragments.

So, check each sentence for correct punctuation and sentence structure.

7. Review the sequence and flow

The document must undergo a thorough examination once. This overview verifies the document's flow and sequencing to make sure it is properly organized.

Verify the presentation overall, the numbering of photos, tables, and appendices, as well as the uniformity of the formatting.

8. Look out for homophones

Words with the same sound but different meanings are known as homophones; examples include not and knot. Now, the speedy reader might believe a term is correct if it sounds right.

Hence, you have to be careful here. Check if the words you are using match with the sentence. 

9. Verify all dates, times, and numbers.

Information involving numbers is frequently the most important and most prone to typos.

Every number needs to be checked. A budget line with a missed zero or decimal point can be seriously flawed. Check the times, taking into account the time zone. Dates must match up with the weekday and day of the month.

In fact, the practice of triple-checking the numbers is not excessive.

Final Words,

To impress your professor or get the dream score, an 'A' grade in your essay, your writeup must be of great value. Now, to make that happen, you have to stick to the rules and then be creative. Ultimately, it's about the balance.

So, focus on the sections explained above and apply accordingly.


Q.1. How do you craft a top-notch essay?

Here are the basic ways to craft a top-notch essay -

  • Introduction
  • Identifying Your Topic
  • Collect Proof
  • Thesis Statement
  • 5 Body Paragraphs
  • Editing

Q.2. How can a good essay be written in 40 minutes?

You can definitely write a good essay in 40 minutes through these steps -

  • Choose a subject (1 minute) 
  • Make a brief outline ( 5 minutes) 
  • Begin your introduction now—(10 minutes)
  • Fill out the body paragraphs. (20–30 minutes)
  • Finish strong and return to your introduction (5 minutes)

Q.3. How do essay examinations work?

Essay examinations are meant to assess your subject-matter expertise, as well as your reading and writing prowess. So, show right away that you are familiar with the subject. Also, make sure that your meaning is very clear.

Q.4. How do you end an essay that is A+?

Here are ways you can conclude an A+ essay -

  • Describe how each of the major points you made in the body of your essay supports your main thesis. 
  • Reiterate your main point in the conclusion before briefly mentioning any potential wider ramifications for the subject or theme. 

Q.5. What would be a suitable essay conclusion phrase?

There are a lot of phrases suitable to conclude an essay. For example, apply 'Last but not least' in informative or persuasive articles or presentations. It serves as a cue that you are about to present your conclusion or final argument.

Q.6. How do you efficiently conclude an essay?

To efficiently conclude an essay, do these - 

  • Finish by connecting the last and first paragraphs, perhaps by repeating a word or phrase from the beginning. 
  • End with a statement that is primarily made up of one-syllable words. 

Q.7. How should an essay be titled?

For an essay to be titled, consider the essay's goal. After that, you can clarify the essay's topic in short. You can also highlight the goal in a clause or sentence that can grab readers' attention.

Q.8. How can you craft a strong introduction?

Here are three elements you can include in your essay introduction -

  • A hook in the introduction that will draw the reader in.
  • Background knowledge that is pertinent and necessary for the reader.
  • A thesis statement outlining your key argument or idea.

Q.9. Why understanding transition is signals crucial?

Signals for transitions serve as links between different sections of your text. What they do is connect your words and paragraphs in a flow. Also, transitional words and phrases function as signposts for the reader, making it simpler for them to follow your ideas.

Q.10. Does every essay require a title?

Yes, you will need a title for any kind of academic or scientific essay you write. The type of essay you write will mostly determine whether you use a question as the essay title. Some typefaces work well for question titles, while others don't. Here are some typical types that you might encounter.

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 John Joseph
John Joseph

Fueling minds with words! I'm John Joseph, a passionate content creator at Join me on this journey of exploring stories, uncovering truths, and engaging readers with compelling narratives. Let's make every word count!

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