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A Practical Guide To Pitch Perfect Profile Essays

profile essay

Essays are essential aspects of academics. However, they are of myriad types, each with its quirks and features. And, while mastering the nuances of each one of them is essential to a pupil's holistic development, doing so may not be as easy as it may seem. Therefore, many students require professional essay help from online academic writing services for guidance & instructions.

This article attempts astute essay assignment help to anyone looking to write pitch-perfect profile essays. So, without any further ado, let’s begin.

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What Are Profile Essays? Defining A Profile Essay

What is a profile essay?

Among all the essay types, profile essays stand out as some of the most unique among them all.

  • Profile essays contain minutely detailed descriptions of a particular place, person, event, thing, or any entity.

  • A typical profile essay must contain a detailed profile of the subject in question, not just surface descriptions or summarizations.

  • Writers must offer a comprehensive perspective of the subject and intuitive, in-depth & well-informed judgments and comments.

  • Detailed research, thorough & unbiased analysis, multi-angular approach, and a clear & cohesive presentation are essentialities of any profile essay. Be it a profile essay on a person or an event, information within the content should be well-analyzed and delivered in a well-structured manner.

Profile essays touch upon every aspect of an essay topic, contain thoroughly researched information, and showcase a writer's unbiased perspective on the subject.

So, what exact purpose does writing profile essays serve? How do they help our learning processes?

What Is The Purpose Of A Profile Essay?

Go through examples of profile essays, and you will notice three things in particular –

  • In-depth investigations into the topic

  • Personal but unbiased opinions about the topic

  • Engaging and easy-to-follow narrative

The thorough investigations and development of well-construed narrative after careful analysis serve to enhance the researching and writing capabilities.

A profile essay offers the perfect opportunity for a student to showcase their skills, knowledge, and insight. Professors use these essays to evaluate researching, data gathering & evaluation, presentation, and content development skills.

Next up, let us take a close look at the structure of a typical profile essay.

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Structure of A Good Profile Essay

The general structure of a profile essay is similar to most other essay types. There consists:

1. An Intriguing introduction, where the writer sets up the whole content & offers some background information on the subject;

2. The main body, where the gist of the matter finds a place.

3. A convincing conclusion, which leaves readers with something to think about;

Following are crucial tips for writing a good essay, along with a sample outline of a personal profile essay.

How to Write a Good Profile Essay? Sample Outline of an Essay On A Person

  • The body of the essay should perfectly complement the introduction. Maintain a proper flow of exciting ideas to keep readers invested.

  • Again, there must be a logical flow of ideas, and the encapsulating content must also be easy to follow & engaging to read.

  • If you describe a person, add interesting information regarding them, such as their life experiences, achievements, notable life events, aspects of their personality, Then, interview the subject as they remain the best way to acquire quality information. Look for previously conducted ones if live interviews are not possible.

Think of questions that will encourage the subject to tell you a story and what readers will find interesting. However, be respectful and understanding. Please respect their privacy by not including sensitive details.

  • A profile essay on any event or place, detailed descriptions, effects & repercussions, and their impact on the writer should find a place in the essay body.

  • The writer's ideas and opinions are primarily in the third body paragraph. However, a writer can also intersperse their ideas to boost the essay's readability.

  • The conclusion reiterates essential points and the writer's perspectives on the topic. Finally, one must mention how the subject influenced the writer and what they learned while writing the piece.

Wrap up with insightful information, a thought-provoking question, or a quote to remember. Give something for the readers to think about, something that makes them think about the essay long after they are done reading.

  • Pay attention to tone & style. Profile essays belong to the informative or expository essay class and thus must deliver information clearly and logically.

And, while writing a personal profile essay, NEVER WRITE ABOUT A PERSON IN A CONDESCENDING MANNER. Of course, you will need to deliver your subjective opinion and criticize, but do not be biased or vindictive in your approach.

Let's now look at the sample outline of a profile essay on a person.

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Sample Outline of a Personal Profile Essay

The majority of profile essay topic ideas generally revolve around accurate & detailed portrayals of a person, either living or dead.

Following is a sample outline of a personal profile essay on a United States Army infantryman.

The Introduction

  • The essay begins with a short description of the US Army, how the army participated in numerous bloody wars throughout history and how it changed the course of the history of countries & communities all over.

The next part of the introduction describes the soldier who is the subject of the profile essay. The details of his service and all notable achievements find a place here.

[NOTE: Excerpts from an interview have been used as the information source for the essay.]

  • The first body paragraph highlights the soldier’s reasons behind joining the armed forces, the values acquired, the skills learned, and the many benefits enjoyed by defense personnel. This section shone light upon the biggest pros of joining the army.

  • The second body paragraph dwelled into the negatives of an armed forces job. Again, the dangers of warfare, the prolonged absence, the psychological toll, the futility of war, etc., are highlighted in the prose.

  • The following body paragraph was the writer's analysis and perspectives. First, the writer discusses the special training and the disciplined lifestyle of armed personnel.

The writer shares his ideas about the pride, honor & joy of working in the armed forces. He talks about the unbreakable bond that every soldier shares and the unmatchable feats achieved. He does highlight the most prominent drawbacks of being a soldier but ends on a positive note.

  • The writer explicitly states his appreciation of the sacrifice & achievements of armed personnel while concluding the piece.

 And, that brings us to the conclusion of this write-up. Hope this write-up shows you the ropes of writing a good profile essay.

If you are still confused about how to write a profile essay or need good profile essay topic ideas, then essay writers can help you out.

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