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How To Write A Diagnostic Essay: 20 Topic Ideas And Examples

How to Write a Diagnostic Essay

Diagnostic Essay Definition

If you were to list out popular types of essays, a diagnostic paper wouldn't be at the top of your list. In fact, most college students probably haven’t even heard of this type of paper in their lives. That’s why they wonder, “What is a diagnostic essay?”

It’s quite simple. Before you begin a specific course at the beginning of the academic year, the professors assign this task to assess your academic writing skills. Your performance can help them figure out whether you face any issues with sentence construction, have a firm grasp of English grammar, incorporate an argument properly, and take examples from your life experience to improve the content quality.

If you were to define this type of writing, you can express it as follows –

“It is a piece of content that assesses a student’s writing abilities, knowledge of a particular topic, and style of composing academic papers.”

This type of essay is usually ungraded. So, you don’t have to worry about getting a high score in it. Your primary focus should be on following the proper outline, sticking to the right format, and avoiding minor mistakes throughout the essay.

Diagnostic Essay Format and Structure For Success

Time is of the essence when you have to write this type of essay. That's why you should know the format like the back of your hand. Otherwise, you'd have to spend a lot of unnecessary time editing your content later.

Like any other paper, you have to keep the readers in mind when composing this content. In this case, the readers are your college professors. Their main task is to check whether the written essay meets the academic standards expected in colleges and universities. In that case, you can’t afford to make any mistake regarding the essay format. Here’s the structure that is accepted in every institute:

1. Introduction

The introductory paragraph is meant to introduce the readers to the topic. Re-read the topic multiple times to figure out the main points you have to cover in the essay. The final sentence in this paragraph should be the thesis statement. This should be a strong statement that reflects your opinion on the topic, highlights the main point of the essay, or calls for action from the readers.

2. Body Paragraphs

The body of your essay should include three paragraphs. Each body paragraph focuses on a particular issue related to the topic and includes a topic sentence that introduces this point. State an argument and provide examples to support your idea in every body paragraph. Draw examples from your personal experience if needed.

3. Conclusion 

The concluding paragraph should wrap the essay up neatly. Do not introduce new ideas in this section at any cost. Instead, you should briefly state the main points of your essay and mention further areas of exploration.

This is the standard diagnostic essay outline that is followed by most colleges and universities in the USA. If you check any diagnostic essay example, you’ll notice that it follows the same format. Professional writers providing academic services recommend that you stick to this as well. So, keep this structure in mind when writing a diagnostic essay.

How to Write a Diagnostic Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you want to learn how to write a diagnostic essay, then you've come to the right place! Now that your question "What is a diagnostic essay?” has been answered, it’s time to figure out how you can write the entire essay. Let’s explore this through a simple step-by-step guide.

Our step-by-step guide covers everything you need to know to excel in academic writing, from understanding the purpose and structure of a diagnostic essay to mastering essential techniques for research and analysis. With practical tips and strategies at your fingertips, you'll learn how to formulate a strong thesis statement, organize your ideas cohesively, and present your arguments persuasively.

Step 1: Create a Good Thesis Statement for Your Diagnostic Essay 

The thesis statement should convey your stance on the academic topic. If you check some samples, you’ll notice that these statements vary depending on the writer’s opinion. Consider an essay topic like "Should colleges allow the use of mobile phones in class?" In this case, you have two options – you can either agree to it or disagree. This statement should reflect your stance on this issue. Do not try to take on a neutral stance. Be firm and comprehensive.

Step 2: Write a Good Outline for A Diagnostic Essay 

One of the fundamentals of essay writing is to come up with a skeletal structure that you can follow. Before moving forward to this step, figure out the issues that you’d like to cover in your essay. Take the word count into consideration. If there are too many ideas to cover, consider narrowing down your approach so you don't exceed the limit. You can skip this step if you're under time constraints. But professional writers always recommend this step to avoid going off-topic.

Step 3: Create Body Paragraphs for the Diagnostic Essay

When you write a diagnostic essay, you should keep in mind the number of recommended body paragraphs is three. Each paragraph covers only one idea and usually begins with a topic sentence that introduces this idea. You must present an argument regarding this and support your own words using examples. These don’t have to be academic. You can take examples from your own life as well.

Step 4: Write the Diagnostic Essay Conclusion Paragraph

The concluding paragraph is meant to summarize the main ideas that you’ve explored throughout your essay. But make sure you don’t repeat the introduction. If you check any diagnostic essay sample on any subject, you’ll notice that the concluding segment focuses on the key findings. You can also mention further research scope on the topic.

Step 5: Proofread and Edit Your Diagnostic Essay

In order to assess the academic performance of a particular student, professors set a time limit for this type of writing. So, you would usually rush when you write a diagnostic essay. As a result, there is a high chance of making grammar mistakes or using the incorrect format. That’s why proofreading and editing is essential. When proofreading the content, check whether you have used the standard Times New Roman 12pt font and maintained one-inch margins on all pages. Finally, ensure there’s a logical flow throughout the paper.

These steps are quite similar to the standard essay writing process. So, there’s no need to cover much new ground. Keep the formatting rules like using Times New Roman in mind and be vigilant of errors. That should help you create a top-notch paper.

The Importance of Writing a Perfect Diagnostic Essay

Colleges and universities usually assign such a paper in order to check the writing ability of a student. So, it’s crucial that you do well in this task. Otherwise, it will be difficult to assess your skills correctly. Once the professor goes through your work, they can –

  • Figure out the writing issues that plague your work.
  • Come up with suggestions to help you improve.
  • Provide specialized guidance as necessary.

If you’ve never written such an essay before, check the ones written by top scholars. Go through one diagnostic essay sample and take notes on how the writer composes the introduction, each body paragraph, and the conclusion. You can also create your own work after taking inspiration from one of these samples.

Best 20+ Topic Ideas for Diagnostic Essays

The topic assigned for your diagnostic paper can be from any field. The topics are usually very simple and common knowledge for students. So, you won’t need to conduct a thorough literature review or spend hours researching. If you want to practice composing such papers, check out the following suggestions.


  1. Is online teaching a better option than offline classroom teaching?
  2. Should uniforms be made compulsory in schools?
  3. Are schools responsible for any bullying incidents that happen on school grounds?
  4. Inaccessibility of higher education for low-income households
  5. Should the United States follow a uniform syllabus?
  6. The benefits of working while studying
  7. Introduction of technology in classrooms: pros and cons


  1. What are the shortcomings of the healthcare system in America?
  2. The role of nurses in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. Should all schools in the United States introduce mental health classes?
  4. How can nursing professionals reduce stress?
  5. Compare the American healthcare system to the Japanese system.
  6. How can students reduce stress and anxiety in their daily lives?
  7. Should homeless people receive free healthcare?

Social Media

  1. Analyze the rise of social media influencers
  2. How has social media affected human relationships?
  3. Discuss ways to reduce social media addiction.
  4. Why is bullying so rampant on social media websites?
  5. Should minor students have access to their own social media accounts?
  6. How can social media affect one’s mental health?
  7. How do businesses use social media for marketing?

Diagnostic Essay Examples

In order to master diagnostic essays, you can go through multiple examples. Once you do, you’ll notice that the writing process is the same as all other essay types. In other words, you have to come up with a skeletal structure and then expand each point. Let’s check out a diagnostic essay example on the topic – “Is online teaching better than the traditional method of education?”

Diagnostic Essay Outline Example 

Introduction – Give some interesting facts about the topic and state your opinion on it.

Body Paragraphs – If you believe online education is the better option for a student, you can highlight its affordability, flexibility, and accessibility in the three paragraphs.

Conclusion – Highlight the main ideas that you’ve explored throughout the diagnostic essay and include a call-to-action for readers.

Example Diagnostic Essay Paragraphs

Now that you have a structure to fall back upon, let’s check out how you can frame the paragraphs.


Experts have found that online learning increases retention capabilities by at least 25% to 60%. If you compare this to traditional learning, retention rates are only 8% to 10%. But that’s not the only reason why online learning has become so popular recently. The benefits that it offers can change a student’s life. That’s why it is better than the traditional mode of education.

Body Paragraphs:

A typical one-on-one online coaching is more affordable than traditional sessions with hundreds of students in one class. [Beginning of 1st point]

Online education allows more flexibility in terms of class timings and access to recorded lectures. [Beginning of 2nd point]

All you need is a device and internet to access online classes from anywhere in the world. [Beginning of 3rd point]


In terms of affordability, flexibility, and accessibility, online education takes the cake. While classroom education holds on to age-old traditions, online courses are embracing change and molding themselves according to students’ needs. There’s a lot of potential that has yet to be explored for online education.

You can follow the same pattern for all diagnostic essay topics. If you need more samples, check out our website. You can also book professional writing help from our scholars and make your life easier. Impress your professors with outstanding writing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Diagnostic Essay

Q.1. What is the main difference between a diagnostic essay and a descriptive essay?

The main aim of a descriptive essay is to evaluate your ability to describe an object, an event, a person, etc. When a professor evaluates this kind of writing, they check whether you’ve been able to do justice to the topic, how well you’ve researched, and the overall presentation.

However, the primary aim of a diagnostic paper is to get your writing skills evaluated. Here, the professors check your use of strategic thinking to frame your paragraphs, formatting, preparation skills, and accuracy of spelling and grammar.

Q.2. What is the purpose of a diagnostic essay?

The main purpose of assigning a diagnostic writing task to students is to evaluate their writing capabilities. Usually, in any academic writing task, the professor scores the essay based on the amount of research exhibited, the presentation of arguments, the usage of examples, etc. But in this case, the technical aspects are the focus. In other words, it doesn't matter if students don’t research well before composing this paper. The professors check the skills exhibited and offer guidance and suggestions for improvement.

Q.3. What topics are usually assigned for a diagnostic essay?

Diagnostic pieces of writing can cover every subject area. This includes nursing and healthcare, contemporary issues, political science, business, society and culture, education, etc. Usually, the topics are of common knowledge. After all, the main intention here is to evaluate your overall skills and not to test your knowledge on a particular subject. You can check out our list of diagnostic essay topics to understand what you can expect.

Q.4. Is there a specific diagnostic essay format to be followed?

The diagnostic paper follows the standard essay format. In other words, it includes one introductory section, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion. You can make adjustments to the number of body paragraphs you use depending on the length of your content. If your professor assigns a specific format, stick to it. But if it’s up to you, then it’s best to stick to the standard option.

Q.5. How long should a diagnostic essay be?

 The length of a diagnostic paper usually falls between 300-500 words. This isn’t a long piece of content where you have to dive into an in-depth exploration of the subject. The topics are pretty common, and you can use your existing knowledge to write a paper of considerable length.

Q.6. Do diagnostic essays receive grades?

Diagnostic essays are usually ungraded since they are not evaluated like standard academic papers. The main purpose here is to diagnose the student’s writing ability. For example, the professor checks for unnecessary repetition, incorrect spelling and grammar, formatting issues, logical flow and structuring, and similar problems. Once they diagnose the common problems, the professor recommends suggestions that can help the student craft top-notch papers.

Q.7. Can I seek help for resources when working on a diagnostic essay?

Yes, you can always reach out to your professors, librarian, or professional essay help experts if you need help with resources. Usually, you don’t have to worry about conducting a thorough research. But if you’re completely unfamiliar with the topic, then basic research is unavoidable. If you seek help from professionals, they can redirect you to reputable sources from where you can get your information.

Q.8. What are the key elements of a diagnostic essay?

The key elements of a diagnostic paper are the introductory paragraph, the thesis statement, the hook sentence, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Whenever you craft a paper, you should ensure that you meet all these specifications perfectly. The focus for evaluation is your ability to write high-quality content. So, the professor evaluating your work will check whether you’ve met the criteria or not.

Q.9. How do I write a diagnostic essay?

Before writing a diagnostic essay, you should think of ways to improve your writing. Since this task is time-constrained, you must master every writing technique so you can write a flawless paper in no time. If you’re unfamiliar with the topic, conduct research before creating an outline. Make sure there is a logical flow maintained throughout the paper. Then, flesh out the content while focusing on the overall quality.

Q.10. What are some tips for writing a strong diagnostic essay?

If you want to write a strong diagnostic paper, then follow these tips:

  • Check some examples before attempting the paper.
  • Revise basic grammatical rules.
  • Read a lot to improve your vocabulary.
  • Maintain a positive tone throughout your writing.
  • Review formatting rules beforehand.
  • Seek help from an expert if needed.

As long as you follow these suggestions, you can ace your papers easily.

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 Zara William
Zara William

Zara William is one of the brilliant minds behind the archive of blog at Her content educates, inspires, and entertains. Explore the world of writing and discover how words can shape thoughts and transform lives!

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