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How To Write A Statement Of Purpose For Graduate School

statement of purpose

Most top-rated universities overseas require students to craft an impressive SOP – A statement of Purpose aptly articulating their aspiring paths, pursuits, and future objectives.

It's like a rite of passage for enrolling candidates per their opted course curriculums.

Respective students submit their SOP in the form of a personal essay. But, of course, some overseas universities require question-centric SOPs.

However, despite their efforts, most students can't write a statement of purpose independently. Thus, they hire essay writers online to help them write appropriately. 

If you need help writing an SOP, hire our reputed essay services immediately!

Elaborating More on the PURPOSE of a Statement of Purpose

statement of purpose

Let's dig deeper into comprehending what is a statement of purpose.

An SOP is often referred to as a 'Letter of Intent' or 'Research Statement.' 

It is crafted for the enrollment panel and primarily elaborates on your future paths, envisions, contributions, and zeal in taking up a course program.

An SOP is a perfect medium to highlight your weaknesses, personality traits expected during course learning, existing subject know-how, and why you are eligible for enrolment over other candidates. 

Students with an average or below-par educational profile can compensate by painting their aspirations and purpose. Moreover, a statement of purpose also offers the admission committee a glimpse of your writing prowess and ability to express views and objectives coherently and credibly.

Statement of Purpose Format – The Know Hows

Hopefully, now you've gotten a fair idea of what is the purpose of the statement! 

So, let's move over to the statement of purpose’s format.

Typically, a statement of purpose comprises the following facets!

  • Information on your personal background
  • Details about your financial standing
  • Everything about your academic qualifications
  • Prior professional expertise, be it part-time or full
  • An imprint of your future aspirations and objectives 
  • Why do you desire to enroll in a particular university/institution?
  • Why did you develop an interest in a specific field /subject discipline?
  • Details about your likable extra-curricular activities 
  • Any publishing-worthy papers submitted 
  • An account of your hobbies and other interests (in your spare time)

The statement of purpose format must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Keep 1-inch margins
  • Choose the writing font as Traditional Serif in the size of 12
  • Keep double spacing or 1.5 spacing at least
  • Include a Header with your first and last name, your University/Institution, and other key data
  • Segregate all stanzas appropriately to prevent your information from appearing cluttered

Also, don't forget these 3 critical components of an SOP

  • The zeal or driving force behind your dissertation.
  • The importance of the research you wish to conduct.
  • And the questions pertaining to the research you wish to incorporate.

If you are an undergraduate student wanting to gain expertise on how to write a statement of Purpose for grad school, refer to the format below.


statement of purpose for grad school


  • Background –Include achievements and hurdles during your educational tenure 
  • Career aspirations –State your vision for your chosen future profession
  • Reasons for pursuing a specific course –Write on your motivation to pick a particular field of study and eagerness to explore more into its learning
  • Miscellaneous Accomplishments –Mention previous assignments and internship details
  • Extra-curricular exercises –Mention notable activities you have participated in inter- and intra-school events.

If you are a POST-GRADUATE STUDENT wanting to learn ways to write a statement of purpose for grad school, refer to the format below.

  • Background –Mention both professional and educational competencies and hurdles faced
  • Career aspirations –Give an overview of both temporary and long-term objectives 
  • Reasons for pursuing a specific course learning –Provide details of your background likings and future career ambitions with proper reasoning 
  • Miscellaneous accomplishments –Mention any volunteered research work or assignment
  • Extra-curricular exercises –Write about enjoyable activities at college or even at the place of employment

How to Write a Statement of Purpose? A Knowledge Base for Students

how to write a statement of purpose

Always remember, the goal of your statement of purpose is to persuade the enrolment committee that you possess noteworthy past achievements and have the promise to succeed in your chosen subject learning.

You must focus on these crucial components to write a quality statement of purpose.

  • Introduce Yourself Properly & Revealing Your Passions & Motivation

State what things you fancy and how you developed the desire to take up the chosen graduation course. Don't make the section autobiographical. Keep everything brief and without fillers. It must also be written captivatingly to arouse interest among the admission faculty. 

  • Surmise Your Career as an UG & Other Experience

You must indicate what you did during your UG tenure, the various types of research you performed, with whom, your responsibilities, the project title, and the inevitable outcome of it.

You must write in a technical tone or the style of your chosen subject discipline. 

After all, the admission committee comprises professors who determine the competence and mettle of students by reading their Statement of Purpose. So, be careful. 

Furthermore, you must also mention any previously completed thesis project. If any other scholarly accomplishment exists, mention that along with your curriculum aptitude.    

Besides all these, you must also mention your previous experience. It could be an internship in your chosen discipline requiring researching, experimenting, examining, designing, etc. 

Lastly, mention how all these relate to the subject learning you're applying for and how they fit into your future goals.

  • Elaborate on the Significance of Your Past and Present Activities

You must elaborate on your past and present working experience before returning to graduation institution for your PG learning. 

If you graduated and took work afterward, mention the name and nature of the organization. It could be part-time, full-time, or a full-bore company or non-profit set-up. 

Write about your working team, what experiences you learned, and the responsibilities you shared. Also, state how doing all these assisted you in focusing on your graduation learning. 

  • Write about Your Academic Area of Interest

In this section, you must explain your preferred academic area of interest. In other words, you must comprehensively write what you intend to study upon graduation. Your tone must sound confident so that the professors believe you comprehend the scope of the research and are aware of the latest research trends and themes.

When explaining your academic interests, present a relevant question (preferably from current themes and trends), properly define the issue, and provide the solution. Moreover, you can also reveal a theme and present questions arising from its current research.

Also, check the institution's website to learn about the different research departments and professors. Check if any of them tickles your interest. If they do, write about that in your SOP. Of course, gather the relevant information about the program, research, and the professor's name to mention it in your statement of purpose.

After you elaborate on each of them, conclude your SOP optimistically by stating you look forward to the exciting challenges that await you.   

The stanza must be written in-depth. So, don't hold anything back.

Special Note – 

If you think there is something else you wish to include in your SOP, life’s initial hurdles, financial troubles, how you overcame them and endeavored to pursue your fancied subject discipline - filter them out and mention only that seems important.

However, refrain from sounding too pompous. Also, mind the tone and maintain consistency throughout the SOP. 

If you are wondering how long a statement of purpose should be, the answer is that it should not exceed 2 pages or 800-1000 words.

Maintain the acceptable length for your statement of purpose. 

Also, proofread and check for plagiarism before submitting. You don't want your SOP to be rejected due to grammar flaws or traces of duplicate content.

So, be mindful of these crucial facets. 

Some Crucial Dos When Writing Your Statement of Purpose

  • You must always plan your statement of purpose well before writing. Create a proper outline comprising key categories, pointers, and reasons for choosing the university and its course program.
  • You must stick to the necessary details. Refrain from writing unnecessary or out-of-context family history or anything similar.
  • Don't use excessive technical terms or flattering language in your statement of purpose write-up.
  • Discuss your learning experiences and precise academic and professional details. Avoid small talk.
  • Do pay attention to the specified word count and writing instructions (if any).
  • Do be careful when writing about the university of its offered courses. Don't sound like this wasn't your first option. It could lead to rejection.
  • Ensure the paper appears professional and not a kid's textbook littered with colorful fonts, visual graphics, etc.
  • Do filter information when presenting your work experiences. You don't have to incorporate details like working at the local bar or liquor shop in the initial days. Mention details that are relevant to your goal and advanced learning.
  • Write truthful facts, not melodramatic fiction, to garner sympathy or attention. Any discrepancies found will lead to inevitable rejection.
  • Also, be aware of humor or sarcasm in your write-up, as they can always backfire. Do avoid them entirely and write in a direct tone.

If you need a refresher on crafting the perfect Statement of Purpose essay – hire our essay writers online ASAP.

Statement of Purpose Example/Sample for Ideas

SOP for Masters in English in Teaching MELA (Middle Grades English Language & Arts) Programs

I have always envisioned becoming a tutor since my initial primary schooling days. In many ways, I was fortuitous as I was exposed to numerous social and cultural groups of aspiring learners – all having the same dream to make something of their lives.

Learning and communicating with them helped expand my views and beliefs of the world. While pursuing a Master's in English, I want to inculcate my teachings and skills among young impressionable minds and turn my passion, into a full-time career.

Of course, I believe that there is no age for learning. So even after I succeed in my endeavors to become a tutor, I will always think of myself as a student of my discipline and never stop learning. One reason why I intend to pursue this Master of English degree from your university is that I believe it will satiate my curiosity for learning and comprehending various pedagogies in this field.

I am of the view that the most attuned teachers are the ones who view a subject or issue from all angles and perspectives. After reviewing several graduation schools/institutions, I concluded that North Carolina State University is the most diverse and appropriate. The offered learning programs are perfect for my future aspirations and will help me refine my skills and knowledge exponentially. I will achieve my goal from this institution -to become a competent, confident teacher.

Speaking about my UG course discipline, I accepted a B.A. in English in a classroom environment. Furthermore, I also performed field excursions in vivid middle schools through my UG course learning. I paid close attention to all shared instructions at those field excursions and during class. Plus, I always communicated with my teachers regarding anything. Moreover, I also conducted a session on 'learning and understanding the proper use of adjectives in the classroom environment. I relished the opportunity to interact with students and polish my teaching skills.

Since graduation, I have helped with the Youth Summer reading program at the Greensboro Public Library. My responsibilities there were to recite books and conduct interactive discussions with students on the books they read or were reading. During that phase, I devised innovative ways to keep the students engaged during those sessions. I entrusted them to surmise and elaborate on what they had read or were reading in a conversational or written medium. Making them do so ensured those readers were completely involved, thus making the sessions lively and thought-provoking. They could pick the medium they felt comfortable with and present their thoughts and arguments pertaining to what they've read or were reading.

I also participated in many learning courses during my B.A. tenure that taught me various tutoring techniques, like keeping track of students' accomplishments and incorporating meaningful strategies to boost their knowledge input-output. I also underwent field experience and watched how classrooms worked together as a team. I realized that each student has a unique learning pace and method. A part of being a competent teacher is discovering and developing those various learning styles.

I also imparted learning to a Sunday school youth class while pursuing my UG studies. Again, when helping the young learners in class, I gathered ample expertise in tackling students in class and keeping them interested throughout the discussion sessions. Creativity is key to reducing distractions in class and making learners get more out of those sessions. I am eager to learn Student Psychology by taking courses at NCSU- North Carolina State University. I realized that the course programs taught here are very extensive and rigorous.

Nevertheless, I always love learning challenges and gaining experiences that will help me further refine my skills as a teacher in the future. I want to become a part of NCSU and push my limits further. It will transform me into a mentor/teacher I endeavor to become in time.

Note – You can adjust and present the information you wish to present per the stated word limit. Some Universities require students to write an SOP in 400-600 words, while others follow the standard 800-1000 range. So, consider the writing requirements and limits when presenting your statement of purpose to the chosen university/institution admission committee. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Q.1. What are the steps to starting an SOP?

Your Statement of Purpose Introduction must comprise the following 

  • Your future goals and why picking this course serve as a stepping stone to achieving your dream
  • Explain your comprehension of the picked course learning and how you intend to contribute further 
  • Also, include 2-3 lines on your background and how it connects to your long-term aspirations

Connect with us if you want to craft an excellent Statement of Purpose essay from scratch.

Q.2. What entails the ideal SOP format?

Ideally, a Statement of Purpose essay format is 2 pages long and with double-spaced margins and 12 font size. Depending on the information, the SOP should have a word count of 800-1000.  Moreover, there must not be any images, graphics, or visual representation. 

The whole thing must appear professional from top to bottom, adhering to its acceptable formatting norms.

Hire our essay writers online to produce impressive Statement of Purpose write-ups.

Q.3. Explain the significance of a statement of purpose.

The significance of a statement of purpose is irrefutable. It is a mandatory rite of passage for students desiring to enroll in a revered university or institution. 

In the SOP, you unveil your educational background, competencies, hardships, and future aspirations. Plus, you also paint your educational wishes pertaining to a specific subject discipline and your choice of university.

Often students write SOPs to enroll and secure scholarships from their desired university for advanced learning and research.

Q.4. What are the crucial DON’Ts when writing a statement of purpose?

You must be careful of these things.

  • Don't present a vague and weak-sounding beginning and ending
  • Avoid writing the SOP at the 11th hour
  • Refrain from using an informal or casual tone
  • Avoid using jargon or writing in abbreviated form
  • Don't sound too flattering or arrogant
  • Avoid submitting plagiarised SOP
  • Don't miss out on backing your personal views with sound logic and connection to your future goals 
  • Don't submit without proper editing and proofreading

Q.5. How must your SOP conclusion be?

Your statement of purpose’s conclusion must surmise whatever you have elaborated through your write-up. Restate those, in brief, especially your main reason and zeal. Finally, it would be best to establish why you are the ideal candidate for selection.

Speak to our essay writer today if you need a statement of purpose examples! We have plenty in our arsenal.

Q.6. Is it mandatory to include my name in the SOP?

It's not always. The Statement of Purpose will include among those documents used for your admission. So, your name will already be known. 

However, if the institution provides specific instructions and requires you to include them, you must.

Contact us today regarding the statement of purpose grad school references.

Q.7. What are the primary components of an excellent statement of purpose?

The essential components of a quality statement of Purpose include as following –

  • Background 
  • Career aspirations
  • Financial background
  • Reasons for pursuing a specific course learning 
  • Miscellaneous Accomplishments 
  • Extra-curricular exercises
  • Work publications or submitted papers 

However, if you need personalized guidance on elaborating on each of these components, don't fret. Our online essay writers are a call away.

Q.8. What is the ideal length of a statement of purpose?

Typically, a Statement of Purpose comprises 800 -1000 words entailing 1.5-2 pages. Of course, most students prefer writing a 1-1.5 page long SOP by being economical about what information they wish to include. Moreover, since SOP is an admission-centric written piece, reviewers don't spend more time than needed.

Hence, it's best to stick to 1 or 1.5 pages. 

Q.9. What are the recommended tips for writing an SOP?

Here are some tips for crafting a perfect statement of purpose.

  • Create an outline with all the crucial aspects you wish to include
  • Define the purpose and your future ambitions
  • Explain why you picked this course stream to study and how it syncs with your career aspirations
  • It must reflect your personality, so ensure it's easy to follow
  • Craft a strong ending and surmise everything stated previously
  • Edit and proofread thoroughly
  • Check for plagiarism traces 
  • Ask a friend to review your SOP before you submit

Q.10. What are the crucial questions that your statement of purpose must point out?

Your statement of purpose must highlight these significant questions. They include as following!

  • Who are you?
  • What course learning do you intend to pursue?
  • What are your accomplishments thus far in your preferred learning discipline?
  • For what reasons do you wish to pursue the chosen course learning?
  • For what precise reason do you wish to pursue your course learning at this university/institution?

Are you looking for someone to write your SOP? 

Don't worry. Our SOP expert writers online will provide you with personalized guidance and insights.

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Bella Phillips As a passionate blogger for Essay Help USA by #1 Writing Expert 50% Off.I am currently employed at a leading Business Law firm in White Plains. I am associated with for several years and helping the Law students with their essays.

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