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How To Write A Book Review - A Complete Guide

Book Review

Understandably, some students dread crafting book review essays more than others. Analyzing a book can be a daunting prospect. Discussing its content, style, and merit undeniably leads many to have multiple sleepless nights. To write a perfect review, one requires crafting a review that will be both informative and beneficial for your readers. Not only that, the process demands finding gaps in the existing literature and supporting judgments with relevant evidence.

Sounds challenging, isn’t it? Well, no need to worry. Now that you have landed on the perfect guide to writing an exceptional book review paper, let us make the process 100X easier. We have highlighted significant guidelines fraught with lucid book review writing examples that will enable you to nail your next review like a champion.

Ready? Fasten your seatbelts. Let’s take off!

What is a Book Review - Overview

Before knowing how to craft the perfect book review outline, it is crucial to get the hang of what is a book review. Here’s a molecular look at the definition of a book review –

  1. A book review denotes the critical evaluation of a currently published book. It helps readers comprehend which books to add to their ‘To-Be-Read’ (TBR) list and the kinds of books to avoid completely.   
  2. Book reviews enable students to convey their own opinions regarding the thoughts of the author incorporated in the passage or book.
  3. These reviews are a kind of literary criticism that aims to evaluate the ideas and writing techniques of the author as well as the quality of the book. Hence, these reviews are completely opinion-based, in relevance to the book. 
  4. Writing book reviews are a remarkable practice for those who desire to become editors in the future, as editing demands offering ample criticism.

Clear till now? Well, alright then! Let's go on to the next segment to determine the significance of writing an exceptional book review essay.

Book Review: What is the Significance of Writing One?

Do you know penning down an impressive book review is an outstanding way to allow your readers to know about a spectacular page-turner or provide simple heads that a particular book will not be able to cater to their expectations? Not only that, the key objective of writing a book review paper is to offer a critical analysis of a book's style, content and overall value.

Amazed to see the significance of crafting a book review essay? Then, take a look at other essential reasons for crafting an exceptional book review format –

  1. Book reviews offer readers a comprehensive idea of what a specific book entails and what they can anticipate. It enables them to decide whether or not to go through the book and determine if the books are worth their time, money, and effort.
  2. Book reviews can provoke a discussion and debate among your group of readers successfully. It enables the readers to view the book from various angles. It also can motivate them to convey their own opinions and notions of the book.
  3. A review that’s positive helps in promoting a book and leads to a rise in sales. Generally, authors and publishers use book reviews in their marketing packages to captivate the readers' attention.
  4. It is an outstanding way to offer detailed feedback to publishers, authors, and eminent editors. Book reviews can enable authors to comprehend what and why the readers loved and hated certain parts of their book. It also offers an idea to publishers and editors about the crucial aspects they need to work on before publishing a book.

As you see, book reviews play a crucial role in the world of literature. With this clear overview in mind, you are now ready to discover the essential attributes of a good book review essay!

What Makes a Good Book Review? Essential Characteristics to Explore  

While excellent book reviews vary hugely in subject, tone and style, all of them comprise certain common features. These incorporate –

  1. An excellent book review should be perfectly balanced. It should present your opinion efficiently while offering a subjective assessment of what you have read remarkably.
  2. Spectacular book review papers should be completely about the book and not the author. They should solely emphasize the type of writing, characters of the book, treatment of the subject, storyline, research and crucial facts, and the like.
  3. These reviews must focus on the author's craft and not the book's packaging.
  4. The perfect book review essay should never offer an elaborate summary of the book and only two to three statements about your opinions.
  5. The reviews must be specific. It should not only mention you liked or hated the book. But, it must explain the essential reasons behind your opinion.
  6. Lastly, an exceptional book review must never reveal the secret, mystery, ending, or twist. It will destroy the experience for your readers.

Type of Book Reviews

There are mainly two kinds of book reviews –


These kinds of book reviews aim to describe a book impartially. They explain the objective and events outlined in the book while incorporating the critical elements and essential details. Further, descriptive book reviews also may describe who the intended group of readers is and the overall level of reading of the book.

Check out these descriptive book review examples to comprehend it remarkably –


These types of reviews aim to explain and analyze the book. They offer a detailed critical evaluation of a certain book and use text evidence to back up the analysis efficiently. They also make a remarkable declaration of what the author intended to convey.

 Further, critical reviews evaluate if and how the author made the declaration. Additionally, offering supporting and relevant evidence from the book is also crucial in writing these kinds of reviews.

Have a look at the below critical book review essay example –

These subtle differences between different book reviews shape how you approach your writing. Thus, before you dive in to write the review, take note of the instructions diligently to figure out the best ways to go about writing a book review outline.

Book Review: The Crucial Elements it Entails

Remember, an effective book review must always explain the crucial aspects that are mentioned on the page, offer a detailed evaluation of the ways the book aimed to accomplish its purpose and must convey any reactions and arguments from a unique perspective.

To do this effectively, here are the crucial elements you need to keep in mind when penning down your book review essays 


A 'hook' implies a statement that aims to captivate the attention of your reader and attract their interest in such a way that they will continue going through your review rather than scrolling past it in a hurry. The hook could be a convincing or provocative statement.

Example –Through this spectacular masterpiece, the rebellious excellence of Margaret Atwood shines surprisingly and remarkably.

The hook could even be a question.

ExampleEver thought what the lovechild of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Harry Potter’ would look like?

Critical Information of the Book

While crafting a book review, conveying any general information about the book that the readers must know is significant. Undeniably, you need to mention the title and the name of the author. You must also offer publication information if the book was launched 10-12+ years before. Additionally, you also need to specify if the book you are reviewing is part of a series and if it is essential to go through other books of the series before or after reading this book.

A Basic Background and Summary of the Book

In this segment, you need to offer a brief and precise summary of the book you’re reviewing. This must incorporate a general overview of the central characters, the events, and the key themes. It should also comprise detailed information on the background of the prior books that must be read or anything else a reader needs to comprehend the events mentioned in the book.

Critique and Praise on the Book

This segment of the book review format is perhaps the essential part of the review and should be the longest. Know anyone can provide a summary of a book, but it is crucial to mention your unique stance on the book.

Do not merely say a book was ‘excellent’ or ‘terrible’ or that you loved it or hated it, as it isn’t going to help your readers. Instead, your focus should be on describing ‘why’ a book is a brilliant read or why you found it disheartening. When you convey this significant information, it will enable your readers to develop their own opinion of whether they would like to go through the book.

Example – The penmanship of the book was incredibly rough with weird dialogues. However, I felt the premise was spectacular’.  


‘The realistic and evocative language of the book immediately transferred me into the world of the book. However, I have to tell you there were innumerable big plots in the book that didn't really make any sense.


Here, you need to inform your audience about the conclusions you reached while reviewing the book. To do this effectively, you must answer the essential questions mentioned below –

  1. What group of readers will love reading this book?
  2. Did you personally hate the theme of the book but believe your readers who have an acquired test for the events mentioned would be excited to read it?
  3. Do you think this book in the series you're reviewing was beginning to become stale, and you were surprisingly delighted when some new characters were introduced?


Most book review websites offer a star rating system to their reviewers. It is also essential for your readers to know about your rationale for giving a particular rating.

Further, if you’re writing a book review as a part of your school or college assignments or on your personal blog, you need to give your ratings and justify that as well.

Also, read this - How To Write Thematic Essay - Tips And Examples

What’s the Difference between Book Review vs Book Report?

How many times have you wondered about the distinction between a book review and a book report? Our safe bet is a couple of times, at least.

While both terms are often used interchangeably, there exist clear differences in both the format and objective of the two genres. Have a look at the differences between a book review format and a book report format we have listed in the table below –




A book review is a critical and descriptive account provided on a book.


A book report offers an objective summary of the key ideas and arguments of a book.


It offers a summary of the content and determines the value of the book to its potential readers.


It enables potential readers to figure out if the book will intrigue them or will be beneficial to them.


The review may briefly discuss the plot of the book, its characters and the biography of the author.


A report will incorporate biographical information about the summary of the context, author, and comprehension of his/her views.


A book review aims to shed new light on its readers.


On the other hand, a report rehashes the book.


A book review requires you to write from a subjective perspective.


Whereas a book report requires you to write from an objective perspective.


It typically ranges from 600-2000 words.


A report ranges between 200-250 words.

Clear till now? We are sure you have developed an in-depth understanding of book reviews. Let’s now move on to comprehend how to design the book review template like a pro!

The 101 of Crafting the Perfect Book Review Template

A book review can be written on every novel or book, regardless of the genre. Certain genres may prove to be more difficult than others. However, the book review template always remains the same.

A general book review format incorporates an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


  1. Explain the cover and title of the book
  2. Incorporate any subtitles at this stage
  3. Incorporate the name of the author


  1. Present a brief explanation of the novel or the book you’re reviewing
  2. Briefly introduce the key aspects of the body of the book
  3. Refrain from giving any kind of opinions at this stage

Body Paragraphs

  1. Include 3-4 quotations from the novel or the book
  2. Ensure to present a summary of the quotations in your own words
  3. Specify your perspective on the quotations
  4. Ensure to incorporate every point in its paragraph


  1. Summarize the quotations briefly
  2. Summarize the explanations presented in the book briefly
  3. Wrap up with a concluding sentence
  4. It can incorporate your final opinion of the novel or the book
  5. Provide a star rating ( non-compulsory)

How to Write an Exceptional Book Review? A Step-By-Step Guide

Writing an exemplary and stellar book review may seem incredibly daunting, especially if you have never dealt with these kinds of tasks before. No need to fret.

Pause the panic button, take a deep breath, drink a hot cup of cocoa, and check out these effective guidelines to get started on your writing process right away –

Begin Planning

Before you go knee-deep into crafting an impeccable book review, it is essential to craft a detailed book review outline. This outline should incorporate all of the key aspects you desire to offer a summary in your analysis of the book. Ensure to incorporate crucial information on the details of the plot, characters, and some other significant parts of your selected book or novel. Additionally, remember to maintain a body paragraph for every point you desire to speak about.

Keep in mind these below-enlisted aspects before starting the writing process –

  1. What is the book’s plot you’re evaluating?
  2. Is the plot of the book grasping and makes you want to go through the rest of the book? Did you love the plot?
  3. Are the techniques used by the author of the book effective? Do you think the writers indicate crucial factors that are in between the lines of the novel? If so, what are they?
  4. Are the characters presented in the book rational and plausible?
  5. Will you recommend the novel to your readers? What will you say – is it spectacular or terrible?
  6. What aspects could the writer work on effectively?

Craft a Compelling Introduction

The introduction of an excellent book review must captivate the attention of the reader so they become engaged and go through the rest of the review. It must also inform the reader clearly yet precisely what the review will be about.

Make sure to include essential details like the background of the author and their prior work in the same genre (if applicable). You can also demonstrate the key themes you will be explaining in your review and offer a clear indication of your ‘stance’ on the book.

You can begin the introduction of your book review in the different ways listed below –

  • A moment in the history
  • An anecdote
  • Declarative statements
  • An interesting or surprising statement

Irrespective of the opening sentences, ensure they directly connect to your critical response to the novel you’re reviewing.

Draft the Summary

To craft the perfect summary, ensure to select a specific chapter or scenario mentioned in the book to summarize effectively. Try to incorporate about 3-4 quotes in the body paragraphs of the book review. Ensure to create summaries of every quote in your own words.

It is also crucial to incorporate your own perspective and how you interpret the quote. Also, as mentioned above, it is hugely significant to include one quote in every paragraph.

Present the Evaluation and Critique

Once you are done summarizing the book and explaining the key themes and aspects, ensure to present the critical analysis. This will form the heart of your book review, so try to be as direct and clear as possible.

Further, remember to use quotes and passages from the novel to support your critical discussion. This will not only strengthen your perspective but also offer the readers a clear sense of the writing techniques and narrative voice of the book.

Wrap Up With a Strong Conclusion

Provide a strong summary of the summarized quotations and descriptions incorporated in the body paragraphs. Then, complete the analysis with a finishing sentence to indicate the bigger picture of the book.

Additionally, ensure to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the book and whether you would recommend it to others.  

Give a Rating

You may also want to incorporate a star rating. This offers a crucial insight into the value of the book. However, this is completely optional.

Read more - How to Write an Analytical Essay with Examples and Topics

Top-Notch Writing Tips for Your Next Book Review

Book reviews can be spectacular and magical. They are not only mere recommendations, but they also help in offering a bridge to all fellow bookworms around the world. However, crafting an impeccable review is not as easy as it seems.

To help you craft the best book reviews possible, have a look at the extensive list of golden tips and techniques we have highlighted below –

Explain the Plot

Remember, your readers want to be well-versed in what this book is about. However, you need to strike a fine balance when explaining the plot in your book reviews. Thus, share enough to engage the readers without giving too much enough. You must also be careful not to swerve into the book report help territory.

Offer an extensive background on the plot mentioned on the jacket of the book. Additionally, ensure to focus on any element that you feel good about or that you feel your readers would want to know.

Give Content Warnings

Content warnings enable readers to become well-versed in the crucial aspects that might provoke traumatic memories, trigger anxiety or be upsetting in general. When you offer these details in your book reviews, you are helping your readers by giving a heads-up about what they should expect so they can make an informed decision about whether or not to read the book.

Avoid Spoilers

Will you like to get a spoiler for an amazing crime thriller book you've wanted to read for a long time? Definitely, no. Undeniably, it can be tempting to share spoilers as they are the aspects that gave the reviewer a strong reaction. However, ensure not to take away that emotional reaction or the surprise from your readers. Hence, whenever you write a review, make sure to keep spoilers at bay completely or at least include a ‘spoiler alert’ warning to the review.

Give Clear Opinions

It is natural for reviewers to get caught up in explaining the plot and forget to offer their crucial insights while crafting book reviews. We suggest you convey your thoughts as clearly as possible throughout the entire review. Ensure to express your opinion on aspects that worked out or didn't when it comes to the plot, characters, and events of the book.

Streamline it

It is significant to pay attention to the length and make every word count while writing the review. Long reviews can be baffling and time-consuming. So, it is best to keep your readers engaged by getting straight to the point.

Strictly Reviewing is the Key

Refrain from making things up while crafting your reviews. Evaluate only what is presented in the selected book.

Positivity is Essential

Know you’re reviewing a book that a person poured their heart and soul into. So, convey your honest opinion, but don’t be rude. It is essential to incorporate a remarkable amount of positive criticism and comments as well.

Now that you are well-versed with remarkable tips and techniques to craft a killer book review check out some book review writing examples we have given below to connect the relevant theory to the practice –

Inspiring Book Review Examples to Help You Out  

1. Book Review For Henry Ford
As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or experiences, but I can provide an objective summary of the book "Henry Ford - A Life From Beginning To End" by Hourly History.
2. The Great Gatsby Book Review

"The Great Gatsby" is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and published in 1925. Set in the Roaring Twenties, the book is a classic tale of the American Dream, wealth, and excess.

3. The Outsiders Book Review
"The Outsiders" is a timeless classic written by S.E. Hinton that has touched the hearts of generations of readers since its publication in 1967. Set in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1960s.
4. Where The Crawdads Sing Book Review
"Where the Crawdads Sing" is a novel by Delia Owens that was published in 2018. The book is set in the 1950s and 1960s in a small town in North Carolina, USA. It tells the story of Kya Clark.
5.Essay On Critical Book Review
"The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton is a novel that has been widely acclaimed for its portrayal of adolescent struggles and the issues of class and identity. The book has been popular since its publication in 1967.


Wrapping Up

While writing book reviews can give you a hard time, this post could be the answer to it all. With this comprehensive guide to all things about ‘how to write a book review’, you can nail your next paper like never before. Take the help of this guide, follow the format, be objective, and make a fair judgment to sail through your book reviews like never before. Good luck!

FAQ Asked by Students

Q.1. How to format a book report?

A general book report format should look like this –

  1. Include the title of the book, the author, and the number of pages
  2. Determine and mention the kind of the book
  3. Determine and describe the importance of the key characters
  4. Explain the mood and setting of the book
  5. Present a brief summary of the plot (aim of the character, kinds of conflicts in the story and their results)
  6. Message and theme of the book
  7. Explain the aspects you liked and disliked in the book

Q.2. How to start a book review essay?

  1. Explain the cover and title of the book
  2. Incorporate any subtitles at the current stage
  3. Incorporate the name of the author
  4. Formulate a strong thesis statement where you introduce the key points stated in the body and include a brief explanation of the novel.

Q.3. How to title a book review paper?

The title page of a book review must incorporate the title of the book, the author’s name, and information about the publication (name of the publisher and date of copyright). The title page must also incorporate your name, the date, and the details of the class.

Q.4. What does a book review look like?

A book review must incorporate three critical segments – summary and background, details of the author, and evaluation of the book.

Q.5. What are the 4 parts of a book review?

  1. Introduction
  2. Outline
  3. Highlighting certain themes or chapters for assessment
  4. Evaluation of the book

Q.6. What not to do when writing a book review?  

  1. The book review must not incorporate any spoilers
  2. It  should not be excessively wordy to comprehend
  3. Do not give incorrect ratings and reviews
  4. It should never demonstrate  any signs of lack of clarity
  5. Avoid including biased or subjective opinions
  6. Constant repetitions and grammatical errors are a big NO-NO

Q.7. How long should a book review be?

Usually, a book review is supposed to be around 1000 words. However, it can vary from 400-2000 words. This hugely depends on the book being evaluated and the specifications of your professor or the company that publishes the review.

Q.8. Is writing a book review hard?

It can be challenging to craft a book review as it is necessary to read the book, comprehend its theme and characters, and then pen down an honest evaluation. Undeniably, using this ethical, sensible, and defensive approach to reviewing a book takes work. However, once you have remarkable techniques up your sleeves,  you can make this exasperating affair not only easy but also fun.

Q.9. What is the difference between a theme and a thematic topic?

A close look at contemporary literary studies will reveal that a theme is a central topic, subject, or message within a narrative. On the other hand, a thematic topic implies being concerned with the theme or subject of something or with topics and themes in general.

Q.10. How to write a book review for high school?

  1. Go through the book diligently and with an objective
  2. Craft an outline
  3. Adhere to the guidelines and specified format to craft the title page
  4. Include essential details in the introduction
  5. Evaluate minor and major characters in the book and the role played  by them in the story’s progress
  6. Evaluate the  critical  and major themes, events, and plots
  7. Wrap up with a summary of the key elements, main characters, remarkable themes and symbols.
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 Zara William
Zara William

Zara William is one of the brilliant minds behind the archive of blog at Her content educates, inspires, and entertains. Explore the world of writing and discover how words can shape thoughts and transform lives!

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