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How To Write An Essay Introduction? A Complete Guide

Essay Introduction

Writing an essay sounds scary to all students. On top of that, you need to ensure that you write an amazing introduction so that they are hooked from the start. There are a few rules that you need to follow to ensure that you can write an amazing introductory paragraph.

Let us uncover all the aspects one by one in this blog, shall we?

What is an Introduction?

Be it an essay, research paper, or thesis paper, you always need to start your academic writing with an introduction. The most important part of the piece, the intro gives your readers a brief idea about what to expect in the rest of the essay. You need to give away a little bit of background information so that you can capture the reader’s attention.

The dictionary definition of introduction states it is the act of introducing something new to someone. It could be a product, an idea, or even a piece of information. So, if you want to write a good introduction, you need to be able to entice your readers by giving out certain information. The main points are to be mentioned in the other paragraphs of the essay.

It might sound scary right now, but it is absolutely not so. Go through the details and tips mentioned in this article. This will help you understand how to write an essay introduction.  

How to Write a Good Introduction for Essays?

If you are a student, it is necessary that you know how to write a proper introduction. You need to include a hook in your writing. Along with that, you also need to mention your thesis statement.  


This is used to grab the audience’s attention and make them want to read the whole article. You can use it as the first sentence or the second sentence in the opening paragraph. Here are a few ways to achieve this:

  • Intriguing Fact or Statistic: Did you know that blinking disrupts our perception of time? Facts like this can spark curiosity and set the stage for your essay’s topic.
  • Thought-Provoking Question: Have you ever wondered why chocolate chip cookies are so darn irresistible? Questions get the reader thinking and want to find the answer within your essay.
  • Relatable Anecdote: We’ve all experienced that awkward moment of forgetting someone’s name. Sharing a relatable story can connect with the reader on a personal level and introduce your topic in a way that feels real.
  • Powerful Quote: A well-chosen quote can add instant weight and authority to your introduction. For example, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” by Socrates.

Give Context

Once you’ve reeled your reader in, it’s time to provide some context. This is where you bridge the gap between your attention-grabbing hook and the main point of your essay.

  • Explain the Significance: So, what’s the deal with blinking and time perception? Briefly explain why this fact is interesting or relevant to your essay’s topic.
  • Offer Historical Background: Maybe your essay delves into the history of chocolate chip cookies. Briefly explain their origin story or the science behind their deliciousness.
  • Connect the Anecdote: Share how forgetting someone’s name highlights the importance of memory, which could be the main theme of your essay.
  • Elucidate the Quote: Explain how Socrates’ quote connects to your essay’s topic, perhaps the importance of lifelong learning.

Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the single sentence that encapsulates the main argument of your entire essay. Here are some tips for crafting a stellar thesis:

  • Clear and Concise: Avoid vague statements. Be specific about your stance on the topic.
  • Argumentative: Don’t just state a fact. Present your perspective on the issue.
  • Preview Your Points: Briefly mention the key points you’ll discuss in the body to support your argument.

These are the basic things that you need to remember while writing a short essay introduction paragraph.

What is the Purpose of Essay Introductions?

The introduction of an essay is like a road map, as it helps the reader understand what to expect in the rest of the writing. It also serves a few other purposes, like grabbing the reader’s attention and helping them focus and understand the context of the essay title.

To Draw Attention

Think of your introduction as the emcee at a party. Their job is to grab everyone’s attention, get the energy pumping, and make people excited to be there. Your intro does the same thing for your essay. It needs to hook your readers from the get-go and make them want to dive deeper into your topic. Include intriguing facts & stats that can spark curiosity. You may also ask thought-provoking questions to get the reader thinking. Share a story to connect with the reader on a personal level. Add a suitable quote from a credible source.

Provide Background Information

Okay, you’ve got your readers hooked, but they might still be a little lost. That’s where the context comes in to give a clearer sense. Your intro bridges the gap between your attention-grabbing hook and the main point of your piece. Briefly explain why a particular fact is interesting or relevant to your essay topic. Share how a life-changing experience helped you to gain certain skills. If you are using a quote, explain how that particular quote is relevant to your topic.

A Good Thesis Statement

Now comes the moment where you reveal the main course of your essay – the thesis statement. This is the single sentence that sums up your overall argument. Think of it as the emcee announcing the guest speaker’s topic. Make it clear and concise, and try to avoid vague statements. Don’t just state a fact like “language learning is hard.” Present your perspective, maybe something about the effectiveness of different learning methods.

The introduction is the gatekeeper to your writing’s success. It grabs attention, provides context, and unveils your main argument. With a strong introduction, you’ll be well on your way to crafting an essay that wows your reader.

What are the Examples of a Short Essay Introduction?

Let’s go through a few different kinds of essay introduction examples to understand how to start an essay introduction.  

No 1. An Intriguing Fact or Statistic

Topic - Power of Social Media

“Did you know the average person spends two hours a day scrolling through social media? That’s a staggering amount of time, and it begs the question: is social media a force for good or a productivity killer?”

This stat grabs attention and instantly sparks curiosity about the impact of social media, which is the essay’s topic.

No 2. A Thought-Provoking Question

Topic - Is it Ethical to use AI?

“Imagine a world where robots can perform surgery, drive cars, and even write articles. As AI rapidly advances, a crucial question emerges: will AI become our helpful partner or a potential threat to humanity?”

This question forces the reader to consider their own stance on AI, making them eager to see how you address this concern in your writing.

No 3. A Relatable Story

Topic - Importance of Overcoming Challenges

“We’ve all bombed a test, choked during a presentation, or stumbled over our words on a first date. Facing challenges is an inevitable part of life, but how we respond determines our growth. This piece explores strategies for turning setbacks into stepping stones on the path to success.”

This relatable story creates a sense of connection with the reader and introduces the theme of overcoming challenges in a real-life context.

No 4. A Powerful Quote

Topic - Importance of Creativity

“‘Creativity is intelligence having fun.’ - Albert Einstein. This quote perfectly captures the essence of creativity – it’s not just about following rules; it’s about exploring possibilities and letting your imagination run wild. This piece will explore the benefits of fostering creativity in all aspects of life.”

The quote instantly sets the tone for the piece and highlights the importance of creative thinking.

No 5. A Dramatic Scenario

Topic - Dangers of Climate Change

“The year is 2070. Rising sea levels have swallowed coastal cities, and extreme weather events are a daily reality. This dystopian future is not science fiction – it’s a potential consequence of our inaction on climate change.”

This dramatic scenario creates a sense of urgency and compels the reader to learn more about the threats of climate change.

These are just a few examples to help you write hooks. You can create your own versions.

What are the 3 Parts of an Introduction Paragraph?

A proper introduction consists mainly of three parts: a strong hook, proper context, and your thesis statement.

Part 1 - The Hook

Hooks are used to attract readers and keep them reading your entire piece of writing. Here are some ways you can add a good hook to your writing.

  • Intriguing Fact or Statistic: Did you know that most people make a decision about a person within the first seven seconds of meeting them? Facts like this can spark curiosity and introduce the topic, maybe something about nonverbal communication.
  • Thought-Provoking Question: Have you ever wondered why chocolate chip cookies are so irresistible? Questions get the reader thinking and want to find the answer within your piece.
  • Relatable Story: We’ve all experienced that awkward moment of forgetting someone’s name. Sharing a relatable anecdote can connect with the reader on a personal level and introduce your topic in a way that feels real.

Part 2 - Context

To make your introduction more relatable to your readers, you need to provide them with some context. In order to do that, you need to -

  • Explain the Significance - So, what’s the deal with the seven-second judgment call? Briefly explain why this fact is interesting or relevant to your essay’s topic, maybe exploring the importance of first impressions.
  • Background - Maybe your topic delves into the history of chocolate chip cookies. Briefly explain their origin story or the science behind their deliciousness.
  • Connect the Story -Share how forgetting someone’s name highlights the importance of memory, which could be the main theme of your piece.

Part 3 - Thesis Statement

This is a very important part. Your thesis statement should be mentioned in the introduction of your academic writing.

  • Clear and Concise -Avoid vague statements. Be specific about your stance on nonverbal communication and first impressions.
  • Argumentative - Don’t just state a fact like “first impressions are important.” Present your perspective, maybe something about how nonverbal cues can shape how we perceive others.
  • Preview Your Points -Briefly mention the key arguments you’ll discuss in the body to support your claim about nonverbal communication.

Remember that these 3 parts are very important in an introduction. Now, let’s review some DOs and DON’Ts to help you get an even better understanding of this.

Tips for Writing Catchy Introductions for All Essays

The following are some tips to help you write catchy introductions in any kind of essay. To help you out, we have made two lists of tips, one which lists everything that you should do and the other lists everything that you should avoid doing in order to write an introduction.


  • Try to begin your introduction with a hook. This will grab your reader’s attention immediately.
  • If you have relevant knowledge regarding the topic, you can show that off a bit.
  • Tailor your introduction, and also the whole essay based on who you are writing it for.
  • Make it brief. The maximum word limit for an introduction should be approximately 9% to 10% of the word count of the piece.
  • Use a strong thesis statement.
  • Ensure that the transition from the introductory paragraph to the body paragraphs is smooth.
  • Give your readers a brief context about the topic that you are writing on.
  • Revise and edit. Check whether you have made any mistakes or not and make the necessary changes.


  • Do not use a lot of technical jargon. Write in a way that is easy for your readers to understand.
  • Ensure that the hook you are using is relevant to the topic you are writing on.
  • Do not make it excessively long.
  • Do not be vague about what you are writing.
  • Do not use a lot of key terms in the introductory paragraph, as it may become confusing for the reader.

Remember to follow these points while you are working on your next essay introduction.

How to Write an Introduction With a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a very important part of an introduction to any piece of writing. It offers a concise summary of the key idea of your topic. But apart from that, you also need to use a proper hook and give away some background information regarding the topic.

Use a Hook

Think of your introduction as the opening act of a concert. Its job is to grab the audience’s attention and make them want to hear more. Here are a few ways to achieve this:

  • Add an interesting or intriguing fact that can spark curiosity in the mind of the reader.
  • Ask thought-provoking questions that get the reader thinking and wanting to find the answer within your essay.
  • Use powerful and relevant quotes. Make sure that you get it from a credible source.

Add Context

Once you’ve reeled your readers in with a fantastic hook, they might still be a little lost. That’s where the context comes in. Imagine the concert’s emcee explaining why the opening act is relevant to the headliner. Your context bridges the gap between your attention-grabbing hook and the main point of your essay.

  • Briefly explain why a particular fact is interesting or relevant to your essay’s topic.
  • Give necessary background information.
  • Connect the points that you will be discussing with the main theme of your essay.

The Thesis Statement

Now comes the moment of truth – your thesis statement. This is the single sentence that encapsulates your entire essay’s main argument. Think of it as the headliner of the concert taking the stage.

  • Avoid vague statements and be specific about your stance.
  • Don’t just state a fact. Instead, present your perspective.
  • Briefly mention the key arguments you’ll discuss in the body paragraphs to support your claims.

The following is an example of how to write an introduction for an essay. 

“The human body sends out a variety of subtle signals during interaction, and increased blinking frequency can be a fascinating indicator of potential deception. In this essay, we’ll explore the science behind nonverbal communication and examine how analyzing blinking patterns can provide valuable insights into a person’s truthfulness.”

Can you see how this introduction uses a fact (increased blinking), provides context (the science of nonverbal communication), and unveils the thesis statement (blinking frequency as an indicator of deception)? This is how you need to write an introduction paragraph.

To Wrap It Up,

You need to remember that an introduction is a very important part of any piece of writing. It gives the readers a brief idea of what they are going to experience in the rest of the article. Always add a good thesis statement and an interesting hook to your introduction. A hook could be in the form of an interesting fact, a relatable quote, or even a rhetorical question. Choose according to what fits your topic. Also, briefly mention the context to connect the essay title with the rest of the body paragraphs.

Why Should You Take Help from AllEssayWriter?

If you feel that you are still not confident about how to write an essay introduction, then we are here to help you out. We have writers who are experts in their own subjects and can help you write not just introductions but also different types of essays. They can provide you with top-quality plagiarism-free writing. Our writers can also help with essay writing for -

  • a personal essay
  • a thematic essay
  • an argumentative essay, and various others.

Our Essay Expert specially for you!


FAQs On Essay Introduction

How to write an essay introduction and what is the purpose? arrow

The introduction of an essay is a very important part of the essay. Its main purpose is to entice the reader to read the rest of the writing.

How long should an essay introduction be? arrow

The length of an introduction paragraph mostly depends on the total word count of the essay. It should typically be around seven to eight sentences long, which would be around 100+ words. Try not to exceed more than 150 words.

What should be included in an introduction? arrow

The introduction paragraph in an essay mostly consists of three things: a good hook, relevant background information, and a clear thesis statement. Try not to include too much detail in the first paragraph of the article.

Should I include references or citations in the introduction? arrow

Normally, citations or references are not included in the introduction to any piece of writing. But if you are writing formal research papers, then you may have to include references. You may also need to add citations if you use quotes in the introduction.

How can I ensure my introduction is engaging and compelling? arrow

There are a few things that you can do to ensure that your introduction is engaging and compelling. Start with a strong hook to capture your audience’s attention. Write about your topic briefly. Mention your thesis statement, and do not add unnecessary details in the introduction. 

How can I make sure my introduction flows smoothly into the body of the essay? arrow

The easiest way to ensure that your introduction flows smoothly into the body of your essay is to use transition sentences. These sentences maintain the connection between two separate sections. 

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 Lily Jones
Lily Jones

Lily’s expertise lies in crafting compelling narratives that captivate hearts and minds! Unlock the power of words with this wordsmith and storyteller at Let her blogs help you bring your ideas to life, one sentence at a time.

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