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How To Critique An Article

Article Critique

The first query that strikes a beginner's mind is – What is an article critique? Now, there are many ways to say it but to put it in a simple way -

An article critique is a kind of essay writing in which the author should offers a thorough, objective evaluation of the subject topic.

Of course, it will include, at the very least, a synopsis of the material and the author's background data (if necessary). It need not, however, become a list of the contents!

Helping your audience understand all of the article's primary elements and the author's thoughts, objectives, or main purposes is part of knowing how to summarize and critique an article.

Now, the fundamental goal of every article critique is to point out the article's virtues and faults while maintaining a tone free of bias.

There are various types of article critiques that need in-depth investigation and ample time to develop persuasive essay arguments. As a result, you must thoroughly understand the subject by addressing theories, concepts, and research. For instance, an essay must be evaluated based on the components of its specific structure.

For further insights, follow this guide and learn more about article critique.

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The Purpose of an Article Critique

Before starting any writing task, the first thing you are instructed about is the purpose of doing it. Similarly, when you are assigned an article critique paper, you must understand areas like - what critique can provide. Is it all about criticizing a work? And so on.

And to make this understanding clear, below are mentioned points that clearly state the purpose of an article critique -

  • The critique is written to explain the major points of the particular piece and the author's intentions in writing it.
  • Secondly, every article critiqueis prepared to examine the significance and intriguing factor of a topic in the essay, and then develop an explanation for it.
  • Thirdly, article critique summarizes and assesses the content by stating the agreement or disagreement with the author and providing evidence for the position.
  • Fourth, the article critique shows both sides of the content; this means it looks more at the techniques, writing patterns, and devices included rather than focussing on the emotional aspects.


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Types of Article Critiques

In a college course, there are three primary sorts of review articles that you could be required to write:


This kind necessitates researching the author's background. It is necessary to evaluate and contrast the theories and practices of the expert. Solid, logical justifications are the secret to creating an effective narrative essay review.


The students must study the topic to write an expert evidence paper. A student must obtain information to analyze such an essay. Discuss the author's proposal, its effect, and the investigation's findings.


Many research paper must be read and analyzed for this assignment to synthesize information on a certain subject. A systematic essay follows a set technique requiring the writer to respond to pertinent questions.

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What are the Essential Components of a Critique?

  1. Introduction

For a good introduction, you must do the following -

  • Outlines the background details that readers need to know to follow the argument.
  • Specify key terms as needed
  • Finish with a strong argument (thesis)
  1. Summary

Writers of critique essays should always presume that readers may not be familiar with the piece being discussed when crafting summaries. As a result, the following information ought to be presented early on in the paper:

  • Identifying information for the work's authors
  • The piece's title
  • A summary of the key concepts in the work
  • Arguments made in the piece
  • Any findings that are stated in the work

The opening may include a synopsis, or it may be a distinct paragraph, depending on the specifications of your specific assignment.

  1. Critique

Your assessment of the resource serves as the critique. A severe criticism must -

  • Focus on the resource's advantages.
  • Explains the resource's shortcomings
  • When necessary, give particular instances (direct quotes with appropriate citation) to back up your analysis.

Further, discuss anything else related to your relevant judgment, such as -

  • The reliability of the source
  • Any prejudice identified in the source
  • The resource's applicability
  • The resource's clarity
  • A critique is your assessment of the book, backed up by its examples.
  1. Conclusion

In an essay, a conclusion serves three basic purposes. A summary will:

  • Summarize the key points made in the essay.
  • Educate readers about the thesis (argument)
  • Bring the document to an end.

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The 101 of Article Critique Format & Structure

Maintain the following when you are assigned for an article critique -

  1. Summary

Here, you should provide the author's primary points and supporting evidence.

  1. Analysis/interpretation

Discuss the creator's main objective and assess whether it was accomplished. Utilize the evidence you've obtained to defend or refute the author's or creator's claims as sufficiently convincing (remember there should be no personal bias in this discussion).

  1. Article's Goal/Purpose

In this section of the body paragraphs, you must rehearse the author's thoughts and compare them to accepted wisdom. Find out what works, what needs improvement, and which elements are crucial to attaining the author's goals.

  1. Further References

Before you clarify your position on a research piece, it can be required to include pertinent external research articles to demonstrate the publication's significance and methodology.

  1. Summary/Conclusion and Your Opinion

The hardest part of writing an article critique is typically the end. Here is where you must defend your position. The secret is to simply express how the piece affected you, how it benefited you, or what defects you discovered while always citing pertinent details.

You may need to present a different structure, but sticking to the one described above strikes the ideal balance between expressing your findings, your point of view, and the general variables.

Keep in mind that your article critique must include both the positive findings and the negative aspects you find.

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Important Steps to Write an Article Critique

  1. Spend sufficient time reading the article

Understanding every concept presented in your reading material requires this method. It could occasionally be difficult to comprehend. To see whether it makes more sense, review it once again or read it aloud. If you're unsure, look up related information or articles that go into more detail. As you critique the essay, remember how easy it is to read and understand.

  1. Write down your take on the topic

When the article is understandable to you, and you know (roughly!) what it is about, it is time to read it again in a new way and make notes to aid your progress. For instance, consider it something worth discussing if you come across anything intriguing or hear an argument that moves you. You can quote or argue from the passage to support your position. 

  1. Create an outline using your notes

There is a purpose for your notes. When you examine the crucial details, you may include them in your framework and use your points as the main sentences. As your article critique develops, add comments or your thoughts to help your audience comprehend your points.

When outlining, consider these points further -

  • Briefly summarize the major ideas of the writing you are reviewing for the reader.
  • As your thesis statement, state your general impression of the work. The ideal scenario is that you choose and apply a contentious thesis.
  • Keep in mind that you will learn a lot of crucial details about the piece you are reviewing. You shouldn't use it all, giving the reader details that aren't vital for understanding your critique. For example, Wordsworth's works need not be read entirely if you are writing a piece about him.
  1. State Your Views

Here, you should succinctly express your opinions and say whether you liked the article or thought it had too many weak or ambiguous passages. Your arguments should, of course, be backed up by some convincing evidence.

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How to Critique an Article? The Main Steps Are Here

  1. Read to understand the article's main message

You can't comment on a piece of writing you haven't read. Hence, when reading it for the first time, be sure you comprehend the subject and comprehend the main point the author is attempting to make.

It sounds more like you are looking for the article's thesis.

You should determine whether you concur with this thesis.

  1. Read the article again while you attempt the analysis

Try to do some analysis the next time you read the article.

Consider the following inquiries for yourself:

  • Who was the article's intended readership?
  • What was the article's purpose?
  • What claim was the author of the piece attempting to support?
  • Are there any gaps in the main arguments the author utilized to back them up?

Then use a pencil or marker to highlight anything you feel deserves special attention.

  1. Make an initial version of your article critique

Ensure you have a general impression of the article before gathering proof. After reading the article two to four times, you should have a preliminary analysis. Your evidence-gathering will be built upon this initial critique.

At this point, try to come up with some sources you'll use to evaluate the research paper you have in front of you. Consider any film or book you may have read that presents ideas that counter the study you are analyzing.

  1. Collect proof

You've probably already developed an opinion about the article at this time.

It's time to gather evidence to see if your claim can be supported.

For that:

  • Check to see if the author's argument is sound.
  • Analyzing the introduction and conclusion is the quickest approach to assessing the article's logic. Are you persuaded?
  • Then, contrast the author's major point with other works in the same field.
  • Check if the author did extensive research before writing it.
  • Checking the works that, if any, were quoted in the text will help you with that.
  • Take it a step further and confirm the applicability of the article's points as well.
  1. Examine the author's arguments for biased points

Not presenting evidence that refutes their claims is another blatant sign of bias.

Also, if the arguments are not properly stated, they are probably just personal beliefs and have no support.

People frequently exhibit prejudice due to having a limited point of view.

While evaluating an article, look for viewpoints that factors like politics, gender, color, ethnicity, or economic status might impact.

  1. Examine stylistic details (especially in literature critiques)

You should not simply consider the substance while analyzing a work of literature. You should examine the author's choice of formal and literary devices. The most important things to consider are your language and tone.

Stylistic details may highlight additional flaws in the article's justifications.

For instance, if a writer utilizes a passionate and enthusiastic tone, you can almost certainly assume they are biased and have ignored contrary information throughout the piece.

The only means of article criticism in non-scientific and non-sociological writings is through aesthetic components.

  1. Write the article critique

After you have developed your analysis, it is time to write the review. Begin with a captivating introduction.

An introduction for an article critique should:

  • Add the author's name, the title of the piece, the publisher, the publication date, and the article's primary focus.
  • Highlight the article's strong points and its obvious weaknesses.
  • At most, keep the introduction to a paragraph or two.
  1. Support your analyses with evidence

Write more about your arguments and the reasons why you disagree with the article in the body of your article review. It would be beneficial if you had multiple arguments, each of which would be covered in a different paragraph.

Each paragraph should begin with a topic statement and then contain supporting sentences. The notion in your topic sentence should be supported by evidence from the article and outside sources in the supporting sentences.

Make sure that each paragraph builds on your analysis but goes in a new path if you do not have a single argument that contradicts the article.

  1. Finish by justifying your position

Recapitulate your critique's main arguments in the final sentence. But go a step further and let the reader know how your article critique is relevant.

Provide the reader with an overall, distinct image of your assessment.

Provide examples of how your criticism has affected your field of study.

Moreover, leave your reader with a rhetorical question, a call to action, or a question that necessitates further investigation to make a lasting impact.

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How to Critique a Journal Article?

  1. Gather relevant data

Gathering the relevant data is the first stage in composing an article critique. This will consist of:

  • The article is under review's title page.
  • An explanation of the article's principal problem or issue.
  • Title page of the journal where the paper was published, with the volume number, page range, and date and month of publication.
  • Key findings, technique, hypothesis, and purpose of the study.
  1. Read the material to develop a perspective

The next step is to read the material thoroughly and understand its main points. You have to reread it critically, underlining any information that will help you write your paper to form informed criticism. A solid critique should include your knowledgeable assessment of the piece.

  1. Write your critique by analyzing the evidence

What are the most important inquiries to make when analyzing a journal article? The following are some of the most crucial queries that need to be answered:

  • Are the strategies and research techniques used appropriately?
  • Is there any content that is duplicated or repeated?
  • Is the discussion worthwhile and pertinent?
  • Do you think the essay needs to be expanded, shortened, or left out in some places?
  • Do you think the article included any points that were either highlighted too much or too little?
  • What are the main suppositions of the author?
  • Has the article's author maintained objectivity throughout?
  • Is the introduction's stated goal made clear?
  • Are the author's facts and interpretations accurate?
  • Has the author used reliable, credible sources?
  • Are the statistical techniques suitable?
  • Is the article's title appropriate and clear?
  • Are all the claims the author makes understood?
  • Is the abstract of the paper provided correctly, pertinent to the content of the piece, and specific?
  1. Highlight the usages of methodology
  • Determine and describe the research strategy that allowed for the publication of the journal article that is being criticized.
  • Verify the research methodology used and assess its suitability for the research question and context.

For instance, groups with low literacy rates may not be a good fit for surveys.

  • Analyze the sampling technique and explain whether it is acceptable in light of the subject and demographic characteristics.
  • Verify the possibility of sampling bias. If you are biased, explain why and what you could do to stop prejudices from happening.
  • Consider the sample's size in proportion to the population and the desired significance level.
  • Describe the methods utilized to acquire the data, the instruments that were used, and the validity, reliability, and correctness of the data collected.
  1. Verify the results and findings
  • Briefly describe the research's principal conclusions.
  • Examine the results display—is it done in a way that is clear and understandable?
  • Verify that the authors addressed the original issue they pointed out in the introduction section with respect to the results.
  • See if any consistencies or inconsistencies have been noted and/or explained in relation to the findings and the literature review.
  1. Add your final thoughts
  • Verify that the conclusion adequately summarizes the entire investigation, beginning to end.
  • Consider the type of conclusions offered and whether they address the research topic.
  • Explain and analyze the study's primary points of strength and weakness.
  • Describe the study's primary shortcomings, and note whether the authors mentioned any.
  • Verify if the author(s) made recommendations for further study.

The Do's and Don'ts of Critiquing




Ø Instead of just complimenting the writer's work, point out what is effective; be as detailed as you can. This will make the writer feel good and provide them with insightful comments.

Ø It's important to provide the writer with constructive criticism; therefore, don't be reluctant to do so. Remember the goals of the critique: to assist them in becoming proficient in the technique (at least in our classes), to enhance their draught, and to advance as a writer.


Ø Do take a moment to mentally edit your comments; one or two well-stated arguments are preferable to a big, disjointed list.


Ø You only need to identify the issues; leave the answers up to the writer. Don't try to "fix it" for the writer.



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How to Enhance Your Article Critique?

Here are approaches you can apply for writing a better article critique every time -

  1. Engage in active reading

Active reading is one method for learning how to write an article review. The first time you read the piece, you will have a clear comprehension of the author's major contention. You make a note of the author's thesis at this point. To highlight significant parts of the article that jump out, use a colored pen.

  1. Prepare extended notes while reading

You can make notes as you read further and have more ideas to add to your article evaluation legends. For instance, if you notice that a scientific study you read in the past can be used to dispute the author's assertion, you can make a note of it in the margins or on a separate piece of paper. Do not assume that you will recall the concept while writing your critique. Instead, write it down. When the time comes for you to incorporate everything into your article critique, you'll be glad you did it.

  1. Bookmark the striking points in the text

As you continue reading and preparing to write your article review, you can make a pattern of your annotations and use special symbols to denote passages that might be unclear, important, or inconsistent. This will help you annotate the content in less time.

  1. Create a base of your opinion

You could have a general opinion about the piece. Examine the author's main point two to three times, as well as the text's reactions. List potential sources of support for your article critique and attempt to recall any books or documentaries you may have read or watched.

  1. Be cautious when using evidence and reference

Even though the author may have done the research and cited reputable experts, you still need to consider the message's applicability in the actual world. Check the author's introduction and conclusion to ensure they are complementary and compelling. Check the work for any intentional or unintentional biases. In the end, check whether the author has used inaccurate information. Check to see if he references a book from 50 years ago that is irrelevant to the topic at hand. Unreliable sources can seriously damage the article's authenticity.

  1. Focus on the stylistic components and patterns

The article's content should be the focus of your article critique. But you shouldn't disregard the author's use of formal or literary devices. Pay attention to the author's use of esoteric language in the works. Also, seek the definitions of unknown words because they can change the meaning of a statement, particularly if they have multiple definitions.

  1. Use a neutral and well-informed tone

Avoid coming out as overly enthusiastic or excessively impassioned, as this may turn off your audience. Your ability to conduct in-depth research and express yourself clearly should allow your passion to shine through.

  1. Write an objective Conclusion

You might reiterate your main arguments from the article in the conclusion paragraph of your article critique. You should also explain to the audience what your article critique means for the field as a whole.

If there are significant ramifications for the field study that is being evaluated, let them know. Inform them if your article critique merely aims to disprove the flawed research of another academic.

Article Critique – An Example

Here is an example to give you a visual idea of how an article critique begins -

Reading through the introductory part, you can see that the goal is to clarify and illustrate the significance of the piece as well as its specific unique qualities. and find out how this piece of article proceeds towards the end.

That was all about writing an article critique. We have also answered some of the most common queries students send to us. Read on to know the answers.

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FAQ Searches By Students:

Q.1. How to write an article critique?

The basics steps involved in writing an article critique includes -

  • Explain the major points and the author's intentions.
  • Examine each significant and intriguing element in the essay, and provide an explanation of it.
  • Determine the author's goals.

Q.2. How is the formatting of the article critique done?

The introduction, the body, and the conclusion make the minimum three sections of the format for a critique paper. In fact, this methodical approach produces a smooth flow that readers can understand.

Q.3. Why is gathering evidence important in doing an article critique?

Evidence is used to support or disprove claims, and it aids in decision-making at work. However your article critique will come off as vague if you don't provide any supporting details.

Q.4. How to write an article critique in APA format?

When you write an article critique in APA format do this -

You should double space your essay and use Times New Roman 12 point type with 1-inch margins. Your critique should generally be organized as a title page, abstract, body, and references.

Q.5. How to critique a scientific article?

When writing a critique for a scientific paper, you should consider the strengths and weaknesses of the literature as well as their parallels and differences. You should also explain how the current study fits into the overall research framework or how it addresses a knowledge gap.

Q.6. How does article critique apply to coursework?

In your coursework, you will be assigned to write an article critique where you must critically study a piece of research for an article criticism in order to determine the article's strengths and shortcomings. Doing so, article critiques helps you grow your logical reasoning better.

Q.7. How to critique a research article on nursing?

Follow these steps to critique a research article on nursing -

  • Reviewing Research Contents.
  • Analysis of the facts.
  • Compare the current results to those from other studies.
  • You must be explicit about whether findings succeeded or failed.
  • Discussions should include both clinical and statistical importance.

Q.8. How to write a thesis statement for an article critique?

Your thesis should assert anything regarding the writer's perspective and writing style. It ought to present an argument that you can later support with textual evidence.

Q.9. How to write step by step an article critique?

Follow these steps in order when you write an article critique -

  • Introduction
  • Thesis Statement
  • Article Summary
  • Your Analysis
  • Conclusion

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