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How To Write An Academic Essay: An Ultimate Guideline

How to Write an Academic Essay: An Ultimate Guideline

Essays are students' best friends. Sounds weird? Well, that is a controversial statement. But academic essays are indeed a constant companion of the learners all throughout their academic life. They have a bitter-sweet relationship with essays - sometimes, these academic essays save them, and sometimes they become the major reason behind their headache. 

If you are a student or not, you must nod your head. It's okay, buddy; we all have been there at some point in our lives and have been there for quite a long time. Writing an academic essay is not an easy job. However, the essays are comparatively simple and straightforward at the beginning of junior school. You cannot expect it to remain the same in the growing years. 

As you climb the stairs step by step each year, the difficulty level of the academic essays also changes and grows more complex. From the academic essay help formatsto the composing process, particularity, and grading rules, everything changes drastically. Students struggle a great deal to compose a decent and basic academic essay, let alone top-notch ones. 

Owing to these reasons, most students who wonder how to write academic essays seek academic writing service assistance and guidance to compose exemplary essays and earn outstanding grades as well. 

This article is your guidebook which will help you to understand everything about academic essays. Not only that, here you will learn about writing an academic essay perfectly and get hold of the most trending and interesting topics you can work on in 2023. So without wasting any second, let us get started.

What is an Academic Essay?

First off, you must know and comprehend what is a academic essay. It is a form of academic writing which involves posing a question or addressing a problem, or sharing information related to specific subjects and topics. Academic essays are an integral part of the degree you are pursuing, and you will not be promoted or qualified to acquire the degree if you fail to submit your academic essay on time. 

The academic essay definition says that formal pieces of writing are written with the purpose of informing and analyzing. The major reason why academic essays are an important part of the curriculum is that writing an academic essay enables students to develop and polish various important skills such as writing, researching, data analysis, proofreading, etc. It also encourages students to have an individual outlook toward multiple sectors of life and surroundings, teaching them to merge and blend creativity with practicality. 

Each step of the entire process of writing personal essays about academic writing is graded individually. In this way, the teachers of professors can assess the progress of the learner. This assessment also helps educators to get a vivid picture of the learners' minds and understanding. 

It would be best if you kept these in mind while composing your essay. With practice, you will surely master the art of writing essays, and you, too, will be able to connect your readers' minds with your outlook and imagination. In the early days, you can refer to the university academic essay example available online. 

Read Also: Argumentative Essay

Academic Essays V/S Other Academic Writings

All academic essays are academic writing, but all academic writings are not academic essays. Well, everyone is aware of that, and so are you. But what you are not friends with is what are these differentiating factors which draw the line between academic essay typer and other forms of academic writing. 

The key features of academic essays are those differentiating factors. Below are the major attributes of an academic essay that help them to be "out of the box" -

  • Length – 

The length of an academic essay is usually much shorter than other academic writing. While most academic tasks are more than 1000/1200 words, academic essays are 300-500 words. 

  • Theme/Topic – 

Unlike most academic writing, most academic essays are written for a specific audience, and since essays are of short length, the topics are quite narrow. A perfect essay topic is either a specific incident or fact or a question on a certain subject.

While in other academic writings such as case studies, term papers, or dissertations, the topics are broad and capacitate various incidents, edges, and perspectives of various occurring or arguments. 

  • Purpose – 

The purpose of academic essays is to support or oppose the incident or argument of the topic. The information and the analysis of those data are all used to back your claims as a supporter or opposer.

But in most other academic writings, you cannot take sides unless you are asked to. Case studies, term papers, etc., are supposed to be made to research, analyze, and deliver the results. 

  • Structure – 

The structure of academic essays is much simpler and more straightforward than most other academic writings. The basic academic essay structure follows the five-part rule where there is one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph.

On the other hand, other academic writings, such as research papers or dissertations, have multiple sections such as hypothesis, abstract, methodology, comparative analysis, literature review, etc. 

  • Tone – 

The tone of all academic writing is formal, but in the case of essays, there is room to be informal or casual, maintaining the decorum and essence of formal writing. 

  • Complexity – 

Academic essays are comparatively simpler in terms of structure, language, information sharing, tone, etc. At the same time, other academic writings are much more complicated, with layers of rules. 

  • Media Usage – 

In the case of academic essays, the use of graphics or pictures, or other elements of multimedia is not mandatory. But in the case of other academic writings, it is inevitable to include graphical or multimedia representations of the facts to back the claims. 

You can compare academic essay examples with other academic writing examples, and you will find and understand the differences clearly. 

Academic Essay Types To Work On

Writing an academic essay becomes more difficult if you fail to understand which type of essay you have to work on or which topic calls for which type of essay and vice versa. However, the basic process and academic essay format are more or less the same in the case of all different types of essays. But tone and way of conveying information varies from type to type. 

Hence, before asking or wondering how to write an academic essay, you should wonder which essay to write. Below are the most common types of academic essays you must be acquainted with. 

  1. Descriptive Essay

If your topic wants you to describe a situation, incident, or any specific subject vividly, descriptive essays are your thing. These types of academic essays allow you to describe your subject, which can be incidents, places, persons, events, situations, or an object. The description can be creative and vivid at the same time. 

These types of essays call for a strong grip on verbs and descriptive adjectives. This is important as you have to make the readers see the images you have drawn with your words in your descriptive essays. Such should be the details and essence of your essay. 

Descriptive essay is among the best tools to engage more and more readers by making them relate and connect with your writing. The description must be so on point that the readers feel that they are not reading it; they are living it.

  1. Narrative Essay

If you are looking forward to telling a tale with your essay, then narrative essays are your thing. This is the most common type of essay, which is often used in the college application process as a personal statement. This is because narrative essays allow students to share their personal stories informally and creatively. 

The term 'narrative" refers to the narrating nature of this kind of essay. In such essays, you can write about your experiences, imagination, and all about your life and plans. For instance, you can write about your most memorable experience, when you first won a prize, overcame your inhibitions, etc. 

Narrative essays are more like fiction, where you can use metaphors, alliterations, dialogue, wit, etc., and yet keep a basic formal tone. You can begin your essay by explaining the background of your story smoothly, moving to the main incident and the effect of the same in the body section, and conclude with a summary of the story with your opinion and key takeaways.

  1. Argumentative Essay

If the topic wants you to take a side or compare two aspects, then argumentative essays are your thing. In such essays, you have to take a particular side and convince your readers why your choice or judgment is correct and justified. 

You have to state facts to prove your point or claim. That is why in-depth research is very important in the case of this type of essay. Here you cannot use emotions. Only facts backed by proof will help you to succeed. 

Argumentative essays thrive on a third personal statement. Facts stated cannot be first or second-person based. It must be something like, "Studies say" or "As per the institute." This not only gives your words weightage but also acts as proof of your claims. Make sure to cite the sources of the information correctly while composing argumentative essays.

  1. Persuasive Essay

In these types of essays, you will persuade readers to take sides. Having an opinion and stating it easily but creating an opinion and making someone have an opinion is the actual challenge. You must have strong facts and arguments that will convince your readers to the core and help you create the need for an opinion. 

For instance, just like a salesperson does not leave a single stone unturned to convince and persuade their customers, you too have to have the convincing power of a salesperson. Here as well, you cannot use any illogical or emotional elements. All your claims must be practical and factual and must have something to prove their genuineness. 

You have to be tactful with your words so that you can persuade your readers without being too pushy or overwhelming them with heaps of information. That will create a negative impact, and you will fail to persuade your readers.

There are various other types of essays, such as expository essays, cause-and-effect essays, etc. You can learn about every type of academic essay from academic essay examples and be absolutely clear about each one.

Read Also: Tips on Writing an Effective Essay

Structure Your Academic Essays Flawlessly

Now that you are aware of various types of essays. It is time to move forward with the process of composition. The basic structure of any academic essay has an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Before starting to pour down information, imagination, and opinions on the paper or screen, it is inevitable for you to plan and structure your essay.

Otherwise, your academic essay will end up becoming a heap of data with no purpose and no link between each other. There are a few steps you must follow to structure your essay perfectly. These steps are as follows -

  • Research well on the topic you choose and collect as much information as possible,
  • Jot down the information about the sources from where you are collecting your information from
  • Collect proof to back your data
  • Filter the information collected and use only the most important ones.
  • Plan which information to put where in the essay
  • Think of a few options for the title

Now let us see how to structure your academic essay flawlessly -

  1. Introduction

The introduction part of your academic essay includes

  • Overview of your topic
  • Background of the topic
  • The thesis statement
  • Your reason for choosing the topic
  • What, Who, Where and When (4Ws) of the topic

The academic essay examples crafted by eminent writers show that a perfect introduction must be

  • Clear and concise
  • Interesting enough to hook the attention of the readers
  • Short and compact sentences must be present
  • There should be no fillers or repetitive sentences.

You can summarize your collected data in the academic writing essay thesis and tell your readers about the methodology very briefly. 

  1. Body Section

The first and foremost thing about the body section of an academic essay is that it should never be written in one chunky paragraph. This is the place where you will elaborate on the data you have provided in the introduction part. 

Perfect body paragraphs must include the following -

  • Why and How of the information provided before
  • Detailed analysis of the data
  • Evidence to prove the claims
  • Reference of the sources of information

To make the body section appealing, make sure to -

  • Keep the paragraphs short and compact
  • Use as many bullet points as possible
  • Include pictures and graphics
  1. Conclusion

The conclusion of any write-up is the summary and outcome of what you are trying to establish. Hence the conclusion of the essay should always be a fulfilling one, and it should always be very clear and compiled. 

In most cases, we invest so much time and effort in deciding the topic and framing an attractive introduction and informative body that we end up giving no effort in the conclusion. Hence, most essays have very basic or incomplete conclusions. If you face difficulties framing a proper conclusion, you can always get help from online essay writers or experts.

You can refer to the academic essay examples to have an idea about how to structure your essay perfectly.

Hacks To Master the Art of Composing Exemplary Academic Essays

The following hacks will help you to master the art of writing an academic essay -

  • Pick A Simple Topic

A complicated topic might seem to be an easier way to impress your teacher, but the more complicated the topic is, the more chances of the essay going down. Hence always go for easier topics that are relevant to your discipline or requirements and interesting as well. 

  • Break the Three

We all know that the rule of Intro-Body-Conclusion is an essay's most important part. But writing the introduction or the body in a paragraph is not important. Break them into smaller bite-sized paragraphs or bullet points. This not only makes the essay lucid but also helps retain the reader's interest till the end. 

  • Enjoy the Journey

Each and every essay you write is a journey in itself. Starting from deciding on a topic, researching it, framing an outline, to finally writing it and then proofreading and editing it. Each journey creates an impression on your mind and earns you knowledge on particular topics. It is very important for you to enjoy the process to get a wonderful outcome.

  • Say No to Fear

It is completely okay to be afraid of complicated topics. It is always advisable to choose simpler topics. But if you are given a complicated one, do not get afraid. Fear makes people decline or procrastinate opportunities.

There is ample information available online. You can also get help from academic essay examples available online. There are many online essay writers and experts waiting to help you with your doubts. 

  • Read More to Know More

To become a good writer, you have to be a good reader. Reading and writing are the two sides of the same coin. Without information, you cannot write, and to gather the information, you primarily have to read. 

  • Take Break from Texts

It is true that reading is important to write a good essay. But sometimes, breaking from the world of words is important to enhance your creativity and broaden your mind. 

  • Write What You Say

The readability of your essay is very important for it to be a good one. Use simple language; use the words you speak regularly. It will help your readers to relate.

  • Organize Your Plate

Once you start enjoying writing, you will start doing it more often. At times you might find yourself amidst a lot of assignments, or you may end up providing essay writing services to your friends initially and become a professional in that later in life.

No matter how much workload you have, always organize your work properly. Make a routine or to-do list each day, and most importantly, finish the work you have started before moving to the next one.

Even after knowing all the tips and tricks of the trade, there is always a chance of unusual complications. You should always feel free to seek help from experts. Even experts need help sometimes.

Score the Best with Top Academic Essay Topics of 2023

Choosing a good topic is very important when it comes to essay writing. On the basis of your life, a lot of things will vary. For instance, the type of essay, tone of the essay, etc. A strong and relevant topic will help you to compose a top-notch essay. But too many complicated topics can bring in problems such as lack of information, wrong analysis of data, etc. 

Hence always try to be very specific and careful while picking your topic. The following topics can help you to score good grades if you can compose top-notch essays with them. You will get adequate information online, and these topics will be quite relevant in 2023. 


  • Effect Of Covid 19 Pandemic On Environmental Change
  • Growth Of The Organic Farming Industry And Its Effect On The Nature
  • Are Seed Bombs The Solution To The Conflict Between Man and Animal?
  • Is Vegan Truly Eco-Friendly?
  • How Is Working From Homes Good For The Nature?


  • Effect of AI on Education
  • Impact of Covid 19 pandemic on the World Academics
  • Degree or Skills - Which is More Fruitful Today?
  • Effect of Online Degree on Professional Career
  • Should Education Be Free of Cost?


  • Is Online Mode of Work & Education Causing Health Hazards?
  • Anxiety Issues are Spreading More Rapidly Than Coronavirus - Why?
  • Decreased Average Human Lifespan - What & Why?
  • PCOD - Common Health Problem in GenZ Women
  • Child Mental Health - Extreme Exposure to Social Media & E-Devices


  • Crime Movies & Web series Causing the Rise in Social Crimes - Why & How?
  • Is Marriage Necessary or Unnecessary?
  • Life With Dogs V/S Life with Cats
  • Social Media - The Necessary Evil
  • How is Work-Life Balance Related to Your Lifespan?

Writing academic essays is not easy but not an impossible task as well. All it takes is a lot of practice and determination to succeed. Without hard work, nothing is possible; even though you have hundreds of tips and tricks to master this, you will still need lots and lots of practice. So what are you waiting for? Put on your glasses and start typing. Don't forget to read before you start.

Read Also: Essay On Globalization 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1. Can I start academic essays with quotes?

It entirely depends on the topic or kind of academic essay you are working on. Quotes generally go well with literary topics or descriptive essays on topics related to movies or other forms of art. You can use quotes at the beginning of other types and topics of the essay as well on specific conditions. If a quotation abbreviates the ethos of your essay, then using it to start your essay will help you to hook the attention of your readers. 

But owing to lack of experience, students often end up using out-of-place quotations just to avoid putting in the effort to compose a hooking and well research introduction. Or they use quotes that fail to convey the true essence of the theme. 

Hence it is advisable to use quotations as hooking beginning only when you are absolutely confident about the relevance of the same. Otherwise, it will create a negative impact, and you will lose both - in conveying the information and acquiring good grades. 

Q.2. Are titles important for academic essays?

Absolutely yes. The title is the first thing that your reader will see in your academic essay. This fact uplifts the importance of titles to greater heights. The major reason is the title of your essay is the foremost deciding factor whether your reader will read your essay or not. Hence the titles must be very interesting, crisp, and catchy. 

You must invest a good amount of time, effort, and thoughts while penning down the title of your academic essay. It will either make or break your and your work's impression. Do not write long or descriptive titles; wrap it up within 6-7 words. The title must be something that will tickle the readers' curiosity and interest. 

Q.3. How to cite sources in an essay properly?

Learning the correct way to cite sources is important while attempting to compose an academic essay. Not all sources of information can be cited using the same style of referencing. You must clarify with your instructor which referencing style goes best with your topic. Once you are aware of the style, find out the correct format for placing the information. You can take help from various referencing guides or referencing tools as well. 

Also, make sure to note each and every piece of information related to the source while doing your research so that you do not have to face undue difficulties while referencing. 

Q.4. What is the ideal word count of a perfect academic essay?

Ideally, the length of an academic essay ranges between 300 to 500 words. The introduction and conclusion parts of the essay should be 10-20% of the entire word count, respectively. 

Q.5. Why is it important to write an initial draft before crafting the final one?

The initial draft of an academic essay is actually the compilation of the collected and analyzed data in a basic structure. While composing the essay and even after drafting the initial one, a lot of new perspectives will grow, and you might add some information and discard a few which seem unimportant. 

The final draft is actually the polished version of the rough initial draft. All the writing, scratching, adding, deleting, arranging, rearranging, formatting, and editing goes on in the initial one, and then comes the flawless and top-notch final copy of your academic essay. 

Q.6. What is the basic structure of academic essays?

Any essay - academic or professional follows a very basic five-part structure. These are the five paragraphs of the entire essay, which comprises of-

  • Introduction- the first paragraph of your essay where you will introduce your topic and state the what, where, when, who, why, and how of your topic in the most interesting manner.
  • Body -  This is the next part where you will state your information, describe them, analyze them, and back them up with proof. This part is divided into three paragraphs, each having a respective significance.
  • Conclusion - Now comes the final part of the essay, the last paragraph. Here you will summarise your thesis and draw an underline with your words. 

Q.7. Why do I need a thesis statement?

The thesis statement is a very important part of any academic essay. Most students do not understand the need for it, but without it, you will not be able to make your readers understand your essay clearly. It is a statement that gives a clear overview of your topic and acts as an anchor to hold the interest of your readers. Be very critical while composing the thesis statement, do not write a too lengthy and monotonous statement. Try to make it as crisp and interesting as possible. 

Q.8. Why do I need to cite sources?

Citation is one of the most important parts of any academic writing, including academic essays. In most cases, you have to borrow information from other people's work. It is either by directly quoting from the source or paraphrasing the information. Either way, it is imperative to cite the sources in your essay. Otherwise, it will be considered plagiarised work. 

Q.9. What is the best way to start your essay?

The perfect way to start your essay is with a very interesting and appealing thesis statement. You must include this hook line in your introduction. Provide all the necessary information needed to introduce your topic in the most intriguing way. Your introduction must be such that the readers have no choice but to read till the end. 

Q.10. How should I conclude my essay?

In the conclusion part, you must summarise all your claims and add your opinion in a subtle way. Make your conclusion as brief as possible, do not add any new information here. The conclusion is supposed to give the readers a sense of fulfillment. Hence make sure to wrap your claims and analysis up here very smoothly. There must be no cliffhangers in the conclusions of your academic essays.

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Bella Phillips

Bella Phillips As a passionate blogger for Essay Help USA by #1 Writing Expert 50% Off.I am currently employed at a leading Business Law firm in White Plains. I am associated with for several years and helping the Law students with their essays.

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