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How to Start Writing Essay on My Father?


Introduction to Essay on My Father 


A parent can be both affectionate and stern at different times. But regardless of his actions, he always stands by us in every situation. Although fathers don't show us as much love and attention as mothers do, that doesn't imply they don't care about us. In actuality, a father anticipates and meets all of their children's needs before they ask.

Mr. Asif khan is the name of my father. He is a fiercely competitive businessman. Observing my father, I'm amazed at how he so wisely handles every element of life. He always drove discipline into me at every task. His behaviour is also extraordinary. He doesn't judge anyone and treats everyone equally. He also loves animals.


Importance of Fathers


We carry on our father's legacy. Fathers are among individuals who have a significant impact on children's life. Fathers assist their offspring in creating appealing personalities. They defend us against societal evil. They motivate us to take on uncommon actions in life. My father frequently gives me advice on how to handle challenges.

Fathers are a source of love, inspiration, and encouragement. They also show us the proper path and help us through a challenging scenario. What's more striking is that people know us by the name of our father. However, when their children call them by their names, fathers feel much prouder.

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Qualities of My Father


Being modest toward all living things is one of my father's traits that motivates me. Although he is a very loving and compassionate person, he also has a severe attitude. My father has always been on time and dependable in his career. He always appreciates time and instils that value in me.

He's also cheerful and often makes my family laugh with his absurd antics. I adore this foolish part of him completely. My father always tries to make all of our goals come true, but he also maintains strictness when necessary.


My father is a really special and different individual. Knowing that he did the best for me in life makes me feel lucky every time I think of him as my father. I'm always appreciative of the chance to be his son and be a part of the amazing family that he's built. My father came out as a very calm and gracious man. He never yells at me and is always patient with me. He makes a really sincere effort to ensure that I am aware of my error and that he offers to assist me in improving, and for many years, it has worked like magic.


The leader and head of our family is my father. All of the family members can always rely on him to get support when they need his counsel and direction when making decisions. When we bring a problem to him, he tries to help us by sharing some of the issues that are quite similar to our situation that he has previously encountered and how he was able to resolve them. He also discusses all of his life's successes and failures, encouraging us to draw lessons from both.


My father has his own personal web marketing company, but he never pushes his children to work in the same industry so that we can take over. He doesn't even try to entice any of us to his business; instead, he tries to teach us how to find our own areas of interest and passion in life. He makes an effort to support us as we work for our respective goals. I can state with confidence that my father is a very excellent parent, and this is not because he always supports and cares for me, but rather because he demonstrates amazing strength, intelligence, helpfulness, and a pleasant disposition. Additionally, he has excellent interpersonal skills.


What Makes My Father So Special?


Due to his everlasting love for animals, my father is extremely sensitive to their needs. He has a strong commitment to his religion and is also quite generous. My desire to emulate my father is increased by the fact that I have never witnessed him acting dishonourably toward his elders.

By giving my mother a flower every day, my father has shown me what love really means. This consistency and kindness encourage us all to treat everyone equally. I learned everything I know about sports and the media from my father. I aspire to be an athlete in the future for this reason, among others. When my father was growing up, his parents were really impoverished, but through hard work and perseverance, he was able to become extremely wealthy. He uses this as an illustration to motivate me to put in my best effort at all times.


Why I Want To Become Like Him?


One of my favourite things about my father is how he has always maintained a really secure and roomy home. For instance, I don't have to worry about him punishing us or judging us when my siblings and I talk to dad about anything. This has helped us avoid lying, which is something I frequently witness among my friends.

I can brag that my father has been my primary source of motivation since the beginning. To put it another way, his attitude and demeanour have helped me grow as a person. He also has a significant impact on the globe in his own tiny ways. He devotes his free time to caring for stray animals, which inspires me to follow suit.




In the end, my father possesses all the attributes that a person ought to possess. He has always been, and will continue to be, my inspiration. My father helped me develop self-confidence. He and I both share our happy, sad, and difficult moments. He is constantly available to talk to me about his experiences and what I may take away from them. My dad also fills me in on every detail of his day, including all the activities that took place. He is making every effort to make sure I develop into a very successful adult with good morals and conduct when I become older.


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